Brussel sprouts

I have a load of thin cotton or nylon mesh bags for fruit and vegetables which I take shopping with me, essential as I buy virtually everything loose.

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What a brilliant idea, never thought of that, not sure the lables would stick to them though, but it doesn’t matter because I always keep those bags for the freezer or picking up after the dog.

As my current dog Jules only does his business in the garden I have a surplus, if I was careful with the labels, they could be re-used and save the planet at the same time.

But if I was of a criminal bent I could go up there and buy just one of each, cheap, item and save the labels. :laughing: :laughing:

Genuinely good idea though, Vero. :slightly_smiling_face:

These are the ones - I bought them in one of my local bio shops a couple of years ago and they were cheaper, they have lasted very well, I have them in 3 sizes and bung them in the wash every so often, they are very handy. You can stick price labels on or fold them around the drawstring.

The nylon ones were for sale in the veg aisle of a German supermarket and I bought some because I had forgotten my cotton ones that day.

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Thank you Vero, I’ll have a look next time I am out. I have just checked my stock of used bags and the labels do not come off without damaging the bags. I see you say that labels stick on yours, but do they come off again ok?

They have been on my ‘to-do’ list for sooooo long - I’ve long been a cloth nappy etc user so I love the idea of these, just never got around to it after my difficult last child! However I’m now just loving the compostable corn based bags as I can line my little compost bin and it is all so much cleaner and easier to empty!

Yes no problem at all, they just peel off the fabric but as I say I tend to fold them around the drawstrings so they don’t disappear before I get to the till. The really irritating labels are the ones on my refillable laundry soap and washing-up liquid bottles, if I don’t tell the people in the shop not to stick them on the container they just go ahead, for some reason those labels are a nightmare to get off.

Ohhh where do you get these from? We have already worked out a (non Soda Stream) method of making our own fizzy water (I’m an addict - and my tipple of choice is white wine spritzers)we tend to get through loads of it, particularly in summer and now with the new bin system it made me realise how much plastic we are using! Some research by dh and a few parts purchased and we now have basically free fizzy water and no more bins full of bottles, the car and shopping trolly are also much emptier (I would by at least 2 x 6 packs in summer, often a 3rd if really hot).

I go to biocoop - you buy the container full and then refill it (until it falls to bits). You could bring your own container too, they sell the gloop by weight.

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They have been in the supermarkets in Redon (which is in Brittany) all year. Not really nice without frost but if you want green balls with your dinner then they are available. Also Parsnips seem to be available all the year round.

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In my slightly skint way, how does it compare price wise. I would love to be far more eco than I am but at the moment I’m often steered by cost!! Things will improve!

ETA perhaps we should change the thread title to Brussel Sprouts and all things eco :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Can’t remember, might be on biocoop’s website. It is this one

Thanks, I’ll have a look then. :slightly_smiling_face:

If you do, it’s “Brussels sprouts”

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Please reveal all! I am also a fizzy water addict!

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Me too, I’m intrigued…

You would need carbon dioxide. Make your own CO2 generator with sodium bicarbonate and vinegar, get it dissolved into a bottle of water using pipe stuff (Or get a big industrial cylinder, or maybe a fire extinguisher). There must be loads of stuff on YouTube

Correct on all counts! After considering a Soda Steam and having a few concerns - very plastic (apparently break regularly), not great at getting good fizz (which I need mixing with white wine!), and cost of canisters my Mygyver type hubby spent ages researching all the options on the internet. He remembered we had a big fire extinguisher left by the old owners (he was a welder) so knew we had something to try it so we decided to order all the bits online (tubing / regulator etc). Obviously we checked it was 100% CO2 with no additives. I may have been a bit cynical but it really works! When that runs out there are a few options for buying it at a FAR cheaper rate than the Soda Stream ones - pub suppliers (that is how they make thier fizzy drinks on tap) being one.

I took some pics for those interested:

So the metal lid thing connects to the black bit on the tube and then you shake it to get the gas through the water. We are going to look at putting some tubing to go to the bottom to make this easier.


We do about 6 at a time so it isn’t a constant job!

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@james !!

:rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy: :rofl: