Building/Planning permission - what happens if it expires?!

Hi Fiona

I’m wondering in what way you have failed. Whether you have been officially advised of failure or are you just assuming… ??? How old are your Plans…?
(no need to answer, I’m just musing… trying to get a handle on this…)

Whatever… the Mairie is probably the best place to discuss your situation.
They will be au fait with current legislation etc …
Perhaps your Plans will still conform… or perhaps there have been changes to the normes (or whatever) which will mean new Plans are needed… who knows…

From my own experience, I would say that it does not have to be the same architect drawing up new Plans.
New Plans would be just that…

Finding out about your previous Architect… would be a good step.
Is he/she still in business and able to take responsibility for the old Plans and any possible amendments?

When you get talking to the Mairie… it might be useful to have some answers ready…
and I would seriously suggest you make contact asap…

Best of luck

I’ve just noticed you’ve started a separate thread… excellent idea… I’ve answered on that too.