Buying Spectacles In France

Mike do you remember a couple of years ago perhaps, when the largest French Spectacles or perhaps lens manufacturer told the Fr Gov that glasses were bought for vanity, they were not a necessity.

However at the time it was suggested by some pundits he was trying to persuade the Gov that they could save money for CPAM while of course, increasing his profits by every one paying the total cost of the process privately or with help of mutuelles!

In Sète one opthalmo has walk in surgeries on 3ish afternoons a week

I went to boots and they are OK (like most opticians) if all you need is single lens bog standard glasses. I wanted varifocals, these are still included in the price - except that those in the offer were not recommended for my prescription, then they recommended thinner lenses, again due to my prescription. In the end from a £120 starting point I somehow ended up paying over £300.00 (including eye test - which Simon said is the real value).

Always had a view (no pun intended) that opticians are a bit of a rip off. Although i did read that through glasses that's how the recover the cost of the test (which is either free or very discounted).

Anyway now have my prescription and my pupil distance (which they do not give you on the standrad form) and will try one of the Glasses Direct type sites.

Just how much more expensive would these have been in France?

Just ordered new glasses yesterday. Having waited 6 months till last December to see an ophthalmologist at the hospital, after a failed visit (he didn’t speak any English and my French wasnt up to following his questions)to one recommended, but was further away anyway! At hospital I was seen by an Interne-0ptho - not yet fully qualified. However, eyes can reveal some health conditions so also necessary for medical reasons. Because of worsening vision after brain haemorrhage I had 2 cataract ops start and end March and on last post-op visit, with a different interterne optho, I was given an ordnance for varifocal lens, where previously I only wore reading and long distance glasses separately. Now however don’t need any for reading, just TV and longer distance outside, so I can recognise facial features.

Optician surprised and I have ended up choosing and ordering 2 pairs,1 will be strong sunglasses, the other I have added reflective coating to. Ok it will cost me almost 300 euros for both, but they will be guaranteed for 2 yrs, they will be fitted properly and ready for collection next Wednesday! I also could have chosen much cheaper (plastic) frames starting from 39 euros and way beyond what I’m paying if I’d wanted designer frames. Also if my visual perception continues deteriorating, I have the option of having the graduated lens made and put in same frame.

Next year when I return to hospital for next eye test I shall ask for an appt with one of the fully qualified ophthalmologists, now I know the ropes here! So ask yourself about some of the things I have pointed out. It’s not always many won’t apply now but some may!

Also every frame had a little ticket on inside near the temple area, which stated price of those frames, and yes there was also a stand with details of current offers on them. My needs are specific to my circumstances rather than price.

Also she had the equipment (metal optical frame) that allowed her to change/alter my vision when reading from her card with the different size print on it. She started with the prescription size, and agreed with me that I did not need reading glasses, when I could see and read clearly, the every different size text. My cataract operations worked more miracles than the last Interne-opto’s test!

The franchise was Optic 2000 and she never steered me towards dearer or cheaper frames, I described the style and quality of manufacture I wanted. For me, that criteria was more important than price.


Ok so - I live in the Ariège (09) down in the deep South - a bit of a medical desert - according to my own Doctor! I know for a fact that the next available ophthalmologist appointment in my area will be around February 2016. It's been about that length of wait ever since I've lived here.

I've never bothered with ophthalmologists in France since my first experience way back when. Pretty cursory, out-dated eye inspection - not at all thorough and no where near the service provided on the UK high streets.

So, I look for cheap day return flights to either Heathrow or Gatwick (last on was 42€ all in), easily book an appointment at Boots Opticians in Crawley (5 mins on train from Gatwick) - walk out with contact lens and spectacles prescriptions following a through check of my vision, my retina, cornea, eye lens, pressure tests, glaucoma tests etc etc. - fly home. Job done! I value my eyes so it's worth the cost and effort for me.

Now then - dentists - a whole new subject.....:-)

You don't have to go to the hospital. You make an appointment with your local ophthalmologiste. A medically qualified doctor for eyes. Consultations reimbursed by CPAM or the relevant body. You don't need an ordonance from your medecin traitant. You just make an appointment have your eyes tested and receive your prescription which you then take to the optician. As for long waiting times I've never experinced this as there is one excellent practioner who is now in competion with a Romanian newly arrived in town.

They do offer eye tests, but they don't feel comfortable ordering lenses for people without a prescription. Eye doctors are few and far between in several rural areas of France, and you might be expected to wait a year or so to get an appointment, so it may be worth twisting your opticians arm a little!

I have a regular rdv with ophthalmologist due to diabetes for a full retinopathy.

Some opticians do but as said a small number, but it won, t be an test for eye diseases or such, ours do eye tests for when you just may need to change the strength of your lenses. You actually don, t need to go to docs at all for a referal. You take a rdv with an opthalmalogue which is not the same as an optician.

I believe that a very small number do offer eye tests but that is the exception rather than the rule. For an eye test an ordnance is required from your medécin traitant as referral to the eye department of your local hospital.

Do French opticians offer eye tests? I may be wrong but I don't think they do!