Call me traditional but

If you want an echo chamber, then block (I also block - but never because I don’t agree with other perspectives - I’m genuinely trying to improve my understanding of differing views).

What’s the difference between her (or me) expressing their opinion and ‘lecturing’?

Is your idea of a good discussion something like this:
‘I think this’
‘No, I disagree, I think that’
‘No I think you’re wrong, I still think this’

I see no value in such exchanges on social media. Why would I be interested in the random opinions of perfect strangers? The opinions aren’t important, are they? It’s precisely the reasoning and evidence they put forward in support of their views - what you call ‘lecturing’ - that’s interesting.

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No - you’ve misunderstood. Last night I watched a Frankie Boyle programme my wife recorded for me - surely the cruelest, most offensive, edgy - and funniest comedian on UK television! I’m personally a big fan of very transgressive comedy - I make no comment about what you or anybody else finds funny. My comments have been about dismissing others’ views with dog-whistle name-calling like ‘political correctness’ or ‘woke’.

To me, these terms are empty of meaning, but to others they are obviously powerful in some way. I do understand something of this - and the conversation thus far indeed fits pretty well my current understanding (which is broadly that they are indeed a form of ‘blocking’ - a substitute for thinking about the social injustice etc behind them - so they are within the old fascist ‘death to intelligence’ refusal of real life).
I’m not accusing anyone here of fascism, of course - just seeing how the ideas link together.

We talking about jokes/humour here not discussing the ‘rights of man’, how can you put forward reasoning or evidence for what an individual finds amusing?

One of the main issues I have with life today is that the majority are being told by a minority how to think/act and that if we don’t go along with it we are labelled as ‘out of touch’, ignorant or racist. I don’t need anyone to tell me what’s offensive, I can work that out for myself.


Think you wrote that before my last post Tim…

I did, do you agree with the last paragraph?

I’m puzzled by the ‘life today’ bit - surely the general rule has always been (well, in the ‘developed’ world at least) that the majority is told what to do by the minority? Those with wealth and privilege exercise power over the majority in all sorts of ways, don’t they?

But I’m teasing of course. I don’t know if you personally have been labelled as ‘out of touch’, ignorant or racist - I have not seen that here. Others pointing out that, say, mother-in -law jokes reflect prejudices and stereotypes is not that, is it?

But the point I’m trying to get across is that you are among those doing the labeling - you perpetuate precisely the practice you complain against - the pejorative ‘labeling’ of other people’s views as ‘political correctness’ or ‘woke’ or ‘lecturing’ is no different from labeling as out of touch or whatever, is it? (except that the former is real, the latter, as far as I know, imagined).