Car Parking

Had our 10 days holidaying around Normandy, and absolutely loved it.

Started off with the overnight ferry from Portsmouth, arriving in Ouistreham too early seemingly for breakfast any where. We ( I ) , wanted to see the Pegasus Bridge musee so had to wait a bit…which didnt really go down to well with the OH.
After which we set off towards Caen , bypassing it on to Vire to pick up a baguette en route.
Vire was larger than I thought. Further South and stopped at Sourdeval for coffee, at the sports bar.
On to Mortain, and pick up some shopping at the Carrefour; before moving a little further South to Parigny and our AirBnb for 4 nights.
Saint-Hilaire seemed an “ok” place, and lovely restaurant we found too.
While there, we managed to see 5 or 6 properties, but alas obviously our budget was not giving us quite what we desired. Although on closer inspection some of the properties issues were not really commented on with faults in the brochures but hey ho its a learning curve, and we may have to think a little further East/South.
Then 2 nights each, on West coast Normandy near Granville, and 2 just outside Bayeux, to visit the D-Day beaches…had to be done. And is Bayeux beautiful or what.
All in all, very relaxing, even driving , which amazed me. Also no parking worries at all to think of.
We both tried our best to speak French to all we could, I think we succeeded to a degree lol.
But as my school reports always said…could do better.

Sourdeval main street, sports bar down main street on left.

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