Changing resident country within EU

There is nothing to sto p you moving to France while you have freedom of movement. Maybe do it ss soon as in case you lose fom at the end of transition snd in case the borders close later in the year.
You dont have to register on arrival like you do in Spainyou just need to provide proof of residence when you apply for your card.Spain
If you have an s1 issued by the uk to cover your healthcare in spain you will need to tell dwp you are moving to france and get them to cancel that one and issue an s1 for france instead.
Once you have your s1 and you have been in france 3 months you apply through cpam.
If you worked in spain before you retired snd you have a spanish pendion you would ask them for an s1 to cover your healthcare in

I think if you read the text of the wa it spe cifically talks about protecting your rights “in your host country”. As J ane Jones and I have both said, the wa does not give brits th e right to onw ard movement. If this is granted it will be a separate agreement.

It is good to have the above opinion confirmed. I was just not 100% certain it was true after 2020…

Clearly I am not going to move my S1 until my French registration is ongoing…

I think if you read the text of the wa it spe cifically talks about protecting your rights “in your host country”.

But unlike most Brits moving to France my host country is Spain and when I swop after 2020 my NIE for the TIE it will enshrine my right to move to almost any EU country I want. This right is enshrined in the WA and EU law…

My problem is I do not know how to start the process… I moved decades ago to La Rochelle and submitted tax forms there without registering but that situation will change at the end of 2020. For all Brit passport holders … so I am in the position that I appear to have the right to move to France under EU law and be resident here but I do not know how to practically start that procedure and am just trying to find authoritative guidance…

As you have a flat in Boulogne perhaps the mairie or the Préfecture would be a good place to start with your enquiries, I’m sure you won’t be the only one in your situation and they are the best-placed people to advise, I’d have thought :blush: bon courage !

You are making it more complicated than it is. . Moving to france means what it says, at present there is no process to go through except moving. You arrive, you stay, and you do all the things french law says residents must do. Register your car,sort out your healthcare, declare your income when the time comes and pay your property taxes and income tax when the bills arrive.

France does not register eu citizens on arrival but once you are living here doing all the right things there will be a record of you and you will in due course be given a tax number, a social security number etc.

But you cant start doing any of the things french residents do while you still live in spain. I believe you can request your s1 a short period before you move once you have a firm date set for he move but you cant register it in france until you live there.

Then you apply for a carte de sejour after you have been here 3 months but before next July.

If you are planning to move after december then nobody kniws for sure what the process will be. Best move before.

Geoffrey hello,
I think we are getting nowhere and I should thank you and stop.
I have twice, as a retired person moved to France and understand the system perfectly. Registered cars in my name, purchased and sold 3 properties, cars, boats,

I own an apartment and a boat here. Been in and out of the medical and tax system so this is a bit grandmother and eggs…

The only thing I do not know is how to start exercising my rights as an EU resident not UK resident moving within Europe to France.
I am grateful to you for kind advice but probably need to find an expert as my situation is a little different from that of most Brits

Talk to the Préfecture. They will know and as you have lived here your French will be up to the possible linguistic subtleties involved.

Thanks Véronique,

It is a little provincial here so I am not confident of their knowledge base but will give it a go.



The sous-préfecture in Boulogne is the one I mean - after all you are a local so they must look after you.

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My understanding is the WA only covers you in the EU country you are resident in at the end of the transition period and not if you move to another after that. Also the S1’s are only valid in the country you re resident in at the end of the transition period. Final decisions about whether to maintain the S1 scheme to include people who move after the end of 2020 have not yet been made and the decision re onward travel it is still under consideration although I understand the EU is happy to allow it.

Being a resident of another eu country gives you no special rights in france.
Your rights in france at the moment come from being a uk citizen in the transition period. You have the right to settle in any eu country of your choice.
As brit resident in spain at the end of transition your eu rights will be protected in spain only as your host country under the wa.
It may be that additional rights will be agreed that will allow onward movement. Or maybe they wont.
You seem to be looking for a special process that does not exist. I will stop there.

As I suggested in post 18, give the experts a call - they have been set up specifically to help british people with residency issues re Brexit.

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