Climate/ecological breakdown

Outside of man made issues the global sea currents are slowing meaning total upset of weather and conditions.

A huge Atlantic ocean current is slowing down. If it collapses, La Niña could become the norm for Australia | UNSW Newsroom.

Sadly, the article points to this being a manmade issue,

“At no time in Earth’s history, giant meteorites and super-volcanos aside, has our climate system been jolted by changes in atmospheric gas composition like what we are imposing today by our unabated burning of fossil fuels.”

“One unambiguous consequence of global warming is the melting of polar ice caps in Greenland and Antarctica.”

And a rather wishful ending,

“We can prevent these changes from happening by growing a new low-carbon economy. Doing so will change, for the second time in less than a century, the course of Earth’s climate history – this time for the better.”

Yes, others I looked into suggest this is not the first time this has happened but still worrying and more climate modelling required.

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It is utterly shocking that In terms of housing inequality the UK is already back to Victorian times.
But in a way even more shocking is that this aspect - which is THE most important thing that needs to be said - and addressed in terms of policy - is almost completely ignored by UK politicians and media. I’ll rephrase that: is completely ignored by UK politicians and media.
They go on and on about the need to build more houses (which is of course the line that lobbyists for big building companies feed them) - even if it means concreting over more beautiful UK countryside - and of course houses further away from where people work, shop, etc, so more traffic, pollution, etc - but never a mention of the real problem.

All the business’s that fund the conservatives drive the policies

The climate and then the people. It is a frightful tragedy to have a government that cares not a jot about either.

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The EU has agreed to ban importing goods linked to deforestation. If the UK were still in the EU, they would be banned in the UK too. But the UK is refusing to ban them.
Deregulation = wrecking the environment.

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Exactly why the ERG lobbied so hard for Brexit.


And another challenge to the UK…

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Doesn’t feel quite right to give your post a heart though.

Yes - I’ve made this point before myself Porridge. The Guardian uses the term ‘recommend post’ with an up-arrow symbol, so it doesn’t seem as if you’re ‘liking’ or ‘loving’ something that’s bad, but everybody should know about. Mastodon similarly uses ‘boost post’.


Post of the year


I guess it’s a measure of Andrew Tate’s stupidity - if another was needed - that he thought he could exchange quips with somebody as intelligent as Greta Thunberg and come off best.

But the whole affair reminded me of Adams’ babel fish - a creature so unlikely it proved conclusively the non-existence of god. After the above exchange Tate felt so humiliated he spent all day making a video reply, which featured ordering in some pizzas - which reputedly enabled the authorities to track him down and arrest him for trafficking women… On which Thunberg tweeted:

But the real ‘babel fish’ detail in the whole story is that the key European agency responsible for helping the Romanian police achieve Tate’s arrest was the Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings - which goes by the acronym GRETA. You couldn’t make it up.


So that didn’t work then!

We recognise and celebrate the power of disruption to raise the alarm.

Problem is, some people, including the current UK government, are so twisted up, crippled by their own angry hate-filled lives, minds closed, that they refuse to hear any evidence, however strong, or rational argument, however clearly put forward.

You can only admire XR for continually reviewing and changing their tactics, committed to hope and to life, finding new ways to break through the almost impenetrable barrier of ignorance some people erect around their own obvious inadequacy.

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I salute the XR and courage of young people to protect the future.

The alternative is to shrug, say degrading of our environment and slow species extinction may already be inevitable, so we can do nothing.


From the suggestion, demolishion of poor housing has been rejected by others on the other thread then nothing will change whilst people defend the right to live in bad houses. Claiming the heating up of houses in sumner is not a result of poor insulation. Humans will poison the world and flood low lying areas and die out.

I still can’t believe the UK in my lifetime has sunk from being a beacon of justice and civil rights, to outlawing protest and taking political prisoners. It is indeed “a national disgrace”.


Final super-ironic footnote to the Tate-Thunberg spat: police have now seized the cars he started by boasting about…