Connecting with the past

Not so!

There was both my original, principal subject and any number of possible subsidiaries that one wouldn’t wish to preclude. OTH, the thread was diverging and as both topics were interesting, but had very different emphases, I wondered if it was useful, or technically feasible for a moderator to separate them. However, the item below combines both.

Anyone else ever seen one of these? I spotted it instantly a couple of years ago at a vide grénier. I’d never seen anything like it and it leapt out from a great jumble of stuff:-

And the handle works surprisingly well…

but you got everyone going… by mentioning the above in your very first post … :roll_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :joy: :joy:

Do love the old saw… by the way…

If using a chainsaw is not dangerous, how come you have to wear so much protective equipment, and how come there are so many accidents?

I suggest you read what I wrote. Walking downstairs may also be considered dangerous but we do it. A chainsaw is just a tool that needs to be handled with respect. Nothing strange about that.

I watched on of those “guess the value” ‘enchère’ programmes on TV with my neighbour yesterday, and a decorative sabot sold for €400 to a collector. This led to an interesting discussion about sabots, and today André dropped by < infraction civile alert! > wearing a pair of handmade sabots to show me his own working pair, adding that they were usually worn with a leather insole.

He tells me that in his living memory paysans and paysannes wore them for work and visiting, but otherwise people always went pieds nus, and straw was laid down in places interior and exterior where it was customary or necessary to walk.

His own sabots were very artfully fashioned and smooth with tooling marks visible. One had been carefully repaired with two tiny rivets and a 1cm length of wire to fix a small split.

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If anyone has a chainsaw and is interested, I have a pair of kevlar trousers for sale…

DM me for details!

What a fitting spot for a wedding photo. Baie goed.

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