Corruption Part 2 / The Riots

I would never have thought of you as a “fence sitter” Fiona, but that’s another story. Anyway, I’m 100% with you on this. You could almost be sympathetic to their cause if they were looting food. I never saw one of them coming out with a bag of carrots or a shopping trolley full of food.

I want to know whats going to happen when they put taxes/rates up to pay for the damage, will there be riots?

I just don’t get it! What drives people to do things like that? It is just wrong in my mind on so many levels. We don’t have everything - no HD widescreen TV, no Wii, no DS’s, no designer clothes, no overseas holidays (apart from UK family trips) and what we have got we have worked hard for. When growing up our parents both worked for everything we had so why do people today think it should be any different? I hope we are bringing our son up to think differently (and I am glad he lives in rural France).