Credit Card

One thing to avoid with a cartezero is cash withdrawals at an ATM. They charge you interest from the first day.

Don’t forget what I said about having paper proof that you are receiving a regular sufficient amount as required by the authorities for your application for your residency card, what you have elsewhere does not count, they want to see what you have to live on in France and proof it is here and not elsewhere. That was a strict rule when we came in the early 90’s and it was mandatory for a carte de sĂ©jour back then and we had to take all our bank statements to the mairie who dealt with the application as the prefecture wanted to see our finances. I doubt very little has changed in that respect. and it seems you need a lot more now to live here than we had to have which back then was approx Ff5000/month for a family of four.

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As has been said before though, there are, or at least were, many variations between authorities in France as to what was necessary and what was not. I certainly didn’t have to jump through such hoops in '99. I was offered a job, the boss checked with the sub-prefecture and I was told to go there for a carte de sejour and a PL driving licence. It was all done in half an hour at a day’s notice and no documents were required apart from our passports and my HGV licence. Couldn’t have been simpler and I started work the next morning. Not in a lorry as it happened but in a van with another driver and a mechanic, all armed with chainsaws in the effort to end the marooning of our village from the outside world due to the grand tempete of that year. :smiley: