Crit Air information

So if anyone sees a pig being ridden by 4 mice driving down the A28 you know who to blame :rofl:


Only for cars though, those lanes can’t detect motorbikes. :frowning:

A common occurrence, especially between Alençon and Le Mans… :slight_smile:

I don’t find that’s an issue John, having to peep around the sun screen at speed is more of a problem. But my wife helps by peeping around her side too, so we only clobber the odd cyclist and slow moving pedestrian. Luckily, not being in the UK, the MOT tester can’t insist we remove our heat repelling device.

On reflection, the badge could obscure a cruise missile coming in at 11 O’Clock but that’s a risk we have decided to accept.

Nope, as my tens if not hundreds of Kkms of selfless, dedicated field (well, autoroute/strada/ pista) testing has proven. You can feel free to stick it wherever you like :face_with_hand_over_mouth: Though I haven’t tested my location for reversing through the 30kph lane, yet.

The Morgan has a heated screen (it’s probably the only bit that ever gets warm in the winter) and never a problem, though should the barrier ever fail to rise, one could just duck and go under it. Very handy.


Over engineered BMW

You say that now…:face_with_hand_over_mouth:


It turned out to be surprisingly difficult to remove - I assumed that it would all just peel off but the actual sticker just delaminated leaving the paper bit stuck, firmly, to the windscreen.

And, having placed it in the proscribed position, it was very awkward to reach in and get any purchase on the thing for removal attempts.

WD40 any good? I often use it to remove sticky residue from jars.

As it’s “linked to the registered car for life” (you know what I mean) it makes sense for the sticker to be sturdy and difficult to remove. Folk would soon be complaining if said sticker disintegrated… :rofl: or could be pinched :dizzy_face:

Shall I refer you to my MOT man - he managed it quite successfully!!


I have some citrus oil based stuff which dissolves the adhesive (I wonder if I should send @SuePJ some for her glued-up hair) which worked fairly well.

Still a bit of a faff though.


Ah yes, good cleaner and citrus based should give nice blonde highlights :joy: