Cyclists/riders & Priorité à Droite

yeah wel known driving test failure that one, I think

@KarenLot Wowza, you’re a super hero, you take care out there!

I’d say it makes life more dangerous for any road user :wink:
True though, about age being a factor in weighing up risk. When I think of the objectively risky things I did when I was younger, sometimes paying the consequences with personal injury, in hindsight I probably wouldn’t do them again now, knowing that the bodily consequences would be even worse today than 30 years ago.

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The rule is simple. Always give Pad but never take it.

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I had the opposite experience. I repeatedly cycled along a busy town centre road without realising I should have been giving priority to those coming down a hill.

I tend to assume that every driver is below average in driving skills, anticipation, courtesy and common sense (which would be right with 1 driver in 2), so I’m always pleasantly surprised when s/he’s not, and especially when they protect me from my own stupidity.