Did you sleep well?

i think you are right to ask Melissa. I am one of those lucky people who shuts his eyes at night and within a few seconds I have gone, much to my wife's irritation. but then she lies there worrying about all sorts of unnecessary things. I always, well, nearly always have about an hours read before I shut down and that seems to do the trick. I have never had a sleeping pill in my life, mind you I am a bit anti pill anyway but I do consider myself lucky. A good book, a clear conscience and nothing to worry about, that's for a good nights sleep.

Meditation not medication is the answer. Deal with it by learning to calm your mind - day and night. Chemical 'solutions' just exacerbate any problem. Relaxation, controlled breathing techniques and a stepping aside from worry approach is surely what you need? Read 'Buddhism Without Belief' by Stephen Batchelor to change your life. Bon courage tous.

Not suitable for all sleep problems (what is?), but melatonin of course

Good point Melissa.......there are many reasons why people suffer from insomnia.

I am bi polar, and suffer anxiety and panic attacks......my consultant described sleeping tablets for me, together with medication that I have to take daily. However, my doctor doesn't agree that they should be used long term, so, after five years has drastically reduced the number of sleeping tabs he gives me. Unfortunately, that hasn't helped my problem of not sleeping!.......and if i have more than three sleepless nights in a row, I can use donormyl instead!

Nobody seems to be asking why you are taking sleeping pills or is everyone taking them regularly? I am not prying but surely people can't sleep for numerous reasons, noise, lack of noise, menopause, too hot, too cold, in pain, uncomfortable, sleeping with one other who may disturb, nightmares, bereavement (or even as I suggest to my husband the lack of sleep at night is due to the 2 hour "nap" he just had in front of the tv!) etc. etc. and are sleeping pills the best things to take and be relied upon? Perhaps they are - I have no idea, just wondering, or is a visit to the doctor better advice.

Melatonin or 5HTP - available online from Biovea.fr, Amazon and numerous outlets. You take one an hour before you want to be asleep. They work - I've been using melatonin off and on for about 15 years and have recently tried 5 HTP. No nasty hangover the next day. They are also slightly anti-deppresant without the side effects

For info @Nick Moldan , my wife has been taking it for years and never had any problems. She was using Nytol when we lived in the US and like Christophe says, her supply dried out in France after a while and we had to find an alternative. I don't remember who suggested that we tried Donormyl but it worked wonders and according to my wife it is even better than Nytol, she takes only half a tablet every evening (max dose is 2 full tablets). I used to take even half of what she is taking, was great, but I prefered to switch over to relaxation exercises. - John

I usually have a cup of Clipper brand infusion called 'Marchand de Sable' . I buy mine in a Hyper U though i've seen it in most of the larger supermarket with the other Infusions. It comes in sachet form in a blue box. I drink it about an hour or so before going to bed and it seems to work for me.

I also take Donormyl from time to time - but am not sure how good (or bad) they are for you in the long term. They are presumably an antihistamine. Trying to wean myself off them. Switching off the computer at 6:00PM helps, as well as the mobile and tablet. TM at the end of the day, works wonders - if I remember to do it.

I also find donormyl very good.

Hi there,

My wife takes Donormyl, it is very cheap (2 - 3 Euros a pot) and can buy from any chemist without a prescription. Some pharmacies will not give you more than 5 pots at the time, but one pot is about a month's supply as she takes only half of a pill every evening, which is a quarter of the recommended dose.

Personally I practice 5 minutes of breathing and relaxation exercise every evening and I sleep like a baby, and dream nice dreams.


There are many different over the counter sleeping tablets / calmants - just nip into your local pharmacie and ask for a somnifère sans ordonnance