Document de Circulation pour Etranger Mineur

Definitely fingers crossed! To be honest, if it’s anything other than absolutely bog-standard, face-to-face with someone is so much better than trying to use an on-line service, at least in my experience. I never seem to fit the standard criteria :smiley:

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:fearful: Brexit, the gift that keeps giving, sounds a right nightmare for you lot :scream:


It sounds very strongly as though the simplified form you originally submitted with its complete document set is indeed all that is required. I suspect it landed with someone in Beauvais used to dealing with the old process.

I had a similar experience with CPAM - actually provided more than the minimum docs (a mistake, as @toryroo has said in another context) and then received the world’s biggest shopping list of request for documents, many of which had already been provided, back in exchange. Sorting that out has added about 4 months to the process of getting CV and all in all I think it will take me nearly 1 year since applying before I will receive it

What a pain, Danielle, so every under 18 Brit who wants to travel in and out of France will need to go through this hassle :open_mouth: at least it lasts 5 years! (or as long as the parents cartes de séjours if they run out first!)

Yep , total pain in the derrière!

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Well the service phoned me back, confirmed that this simplified online service, I quote - “like most of the others, does not work” (her words, not mine!), they wouldn’t be able to do anything we haven’t already tried and that I should send the application by registered post with as many supporting documents as we can fit in the envelope.

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Oh what a shame! I had high hopes that France Services would be a panacea to many ills. Sorry. But at least you were phoned back!

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We have applied for DCEM for our son.
This morning we had two emails from the prefecture, dated one minute apart.

  1. Stating an appointment TODAY (at at time before the email was received) and that our son must accompany and that we need to pay €50 stamp
  2. Stating that the process was complete, that the fee had bene paid and to DOWNLOAD the DCEM from their link!!

I downloaded and all seems valid…I am mystified as we did not go to Prefecture and have not paid fee. DO I just print it and keep quiet???

NOW, my real question - my wife seems to think that her friends daughter had to give her fingerprints at the prefecture. IS THIS CORRECT?


Our DCEM for our daughter is a proper 2 sided ID card, laminated etc and was received through the post. I would be surprised if it were something you could just ‘print off’ - not very durable for travelling with.

As for fingerprints, yes, we have had to give them at the Prefecture for our cartes de sejour. However, our daughter did not have to for her DCEM (probably too young - I don’t know what age that starts at…)

Good luck!

Hello Gprit and welcome to the forum…

Surely it would be straight forward to ask the “daughter” or her parents… ???

uh…yes we did and she did. But I cannot find any reference to this being necessary currently.

Frankly, as you have NOT paid… I can’t understand why it would state that you have.
Therefore, I would NOT download the DCEM from their link… there are simply too many scams around and downloading something which might have come from a bad source… is a bit risky in my view.

We receive loads of emails/sms talking about deliveries… when we purchase online… all scams and we ignore/delete them… but they seem to know what we are doing…
and perhaps you are in a similar situation.
Try and check with your Mairie if the DCEM is now FREE… 'cos you’ve not paid…

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It hadnt occured to me that it might be a scam, Stella, but does seem very suspicious. Not at all how it would normally be treated.

I would definitely check in person

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NOT a scam…and won’t check in person yet as it might alert to non payment!!!
The format of document downloaded is identical to that issued to my wife’s friends daughter…

These messages are ALL on the correct website message area.