Explanation of URSSAF

Urssaf - CSM - CPAM - Expert Please!

Is this thread active or do I need to start a similar afresh?

I hope by now that there a people out there who understand the inner workings and if so that they may be able advise and explain to me.

Question(s) to follow…

What do you want to know? CPAM and CSM I can do, URSAFF only in so far as it relates to these.

We had years of them with the business and I still dealt with URSSAF upto end of 2021 in different guises such as CESU for myself. What I will tell anyone about URSSAF is that they do not mess around, you can be in tribunal within weeks if you do not keep up with them, getting refunds takes a very long time and as always, go and see them in person if you have questions, it pays dividends I can tell you!

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This always used to my policy with URSSAF until one day shortly after the reorganisation I went along and found the door firmly shut, Appointments only, and quite difficult to get one.

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That was probably around the time they dumped the RSI scheme for self employed folks and another system started up which continued to pay my pension de reversion which now has been under Carsat for a few years.They just keep re-organising.