Favourite album covers

Wow, the fashion of the time…

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Happy memories… although it all looks a bit ridiculous viewed in 2023… :wink: :wink:

Clothing was FUN in those days, albeit a little OTT at times. A good friend got married in a crushed velvet suit in the late 70s, and I wore a purple velvet jacket for my wedding in 1981 - desperately out of fashion because the vileness of punk had influenced styles by then.

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Spoken like the photographer you are!

Many, many years down the line… the girls in the Telesales were chatting excitedly… I wandered in and was shown photos of models in flared velvet trousers…

I gained an amazing amount of respect :wink: when I casually said…
Oh, I’ve got some original burgundy velvet flares at home… if anyone wants 'em…

The next day, in I went with “his & hers” matching trousers… still in wonderful condition… and the girls sorted things out between themselves, but no blood was shed. :+1: :rofl: :rofl:


I wore day-glo orange velvet flares to the church wedding of a pal but it was 1969, so allowed. The groom wore a sort of Cossack outfit and the bride [not Asian] wore a sari but, not knowing how to put one one, It started unravelling as she made her way up the isle!

I had to nip up to the pulpit where there was a socket with a Dansette record player set up and put on 'She’s So Heavy’ [Beatles - Abbey Road] at top vol as the bride processed, coming undone …

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I still have my jacket - it will just about go round my shoulders, but possibly not the waist :thinking:.

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There are still one or two bits I simply can’t part with… and yet, of course, I must… at some stage.

Perhaps if they become collectable and I can swap something for a tank of heating oil… :wink: :wink:

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My first ever album , still in good nick.




This was my first, unfortunately I ruined it by ripping off the 1972 gatefold calendar with a picture af Alice Cooper with a noose around his neck and pinning it to the wall :scream:

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I still have the original of Schools Out. The cover unfolds to make a school desk and the lp came wrapped in a pair of schoolgirl panties.

Ps. Great album too.

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@andyw you beat me to it. Brain Salad Surgery was one of my faves. Loved ELP back in the day. :grinning:

Hi Dawn

Was lucky enough to see them live at the Empire pool wembly in 1972 ish.

One of the best concerts I have ever been to

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Brilliant - I still have that same Album and saw the Strawbs live in Sheffield twice.
The lead singer I recall favoured an overcoat while on stage in spite of the well heated auditorium.
Happy daze!
What else do you have?

I somehow don’t think you’d get away with that one these days (even in Japan?).

Or the front cover of Virgin Killer by the Scorpions (now *that* one caused a hell of a lot of controversy even in its day).

Can’t recall the overcoat. I saw them a few times in East Anglia early 70s after Wakeman left in 71. Grave New World is still an excellent album with loads of types of music, more so than the others imo.
What else do I have ? Blimey, loadsa stuff from those days. BJH, Heep, ELO, Quo etc etc.

Brown velvet jacket for me in '76 with cream trousers. My bride wore white with a bouquet of 12 red roses, beautiful then and has never faded, my wife not the jacket!

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Jacket with the giant lapels John ?

Yes Peter, a real jacket with plenty of material not like jackets today that youngsters wear that are so tight they can hardly button them. They think its fashion but really the manufacturers are simply saving money on materials and charging a fashionable fortune of a price.