France country profile - BBC News

just google “la ville la plus froide de France” and you’ll find a whole host of météo sites/reports and be able to understand why TF1 often cite Aurillac but why it isn’t really the case, especially if one takes an average daytime temperature. Or don’t and continue to believe tf1 :wink:


I bet if you did a survey in France, Aurillac would be quoted as being one of the coldest places in France.

Whether it is or not is beside the point. But like you said earlier, the tourism office in Aurillac must be doing their head in.

It is just one of those bizarre French things that Aurillac has to be cited every night as being really cold. So much so that you believe it to be true.

It is like when watching the TF1 meteo you are really just waiting for the temperature of Aurillac. “Tell me, I need to know”…"Blimey 20 degrees in Paris and 3 degrees in Aurillac.

Anyway, from a department that invented truffade, you kinda think that it is probably a tad cold there.

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And there are many others!!

I don’t watch television :wink:
France Inter do the météo which I listen to on my way to and from work and strangely Aurillac is never mentioned, but there you are.

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12 degrees tomorrow morning in Aurillac according to TF1 metro tonight. Strangely it was the coldest part of France…again…like it has been for the last 22 years. They even had the area of Aurillac in blue to really emphasise how cold it will be to the rest of France. Lol.

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That’s got to be about the most pointless list I’ve ever seen! :slight_smile:

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Exactly!! :laughing:

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It’s a good weather app and straightforward to read. There is also an IOS version, which can be downloaded from the app store.


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