France elections: National Front leads in regional polls

So where and how would you begin the campaign to get moderate muslims back n side?

What is his name. Maybe we can elect him

So, now we have been told who started it, what they did wrong, what may happen.
NOW, tell us your ideas for improvement of hostilities, how to prevent further attacks.
What would you do, given the position and the power.
Think outside the box, please

How can French people are in shock?

People are branding Islam a fundamentally violent religion and taking a minority too seriously. Yet for the majority of Moslems the world is not like that. As-salamu alaykum is an Arabic/Islamic greeting meaning 'peace be upon you', the response is wa-alaikum-salaam, meaning 'and upon you peace'. In countries where Arabic is spoken or interpretations of it are used, several of which I have worked in, it is used with everybody, irrespective of their belief. I believe that in the Christian liturgy, the part known as the peace, the first well wisher says 'Peace be with you' to which the response is 'and also with you.' Yet Christians seem to be able to walk out of their churches and do extreme violence, often in the name of their god, in the USA we have particularly had a lot of news about that. Does that make Christianity a hypocritical religion that preaches peace but practices the opposite which is effectively what the likes of Trump are effectively saying. It should be more of a case of the majority saying 'No' and putting an end to what is happening. It does not happen in a single instant but takes some time.

The comparison with National Socialist Germany has some grains of truth in it but the difference is that whilst they had adherents in many places around the world, in fact it was an ideological bottle neck from the beginning that could only have thrived in peace. As soon as WW2 began the Nazis had begun their own destruction, their collective megalomania allowed them to overstretch anything they could ever achieve. One of the things that helped defeat them was because people were not universally indoctrinated therefore making their task all the harder and doomed to failure because they believed in their invincibility. That is what Daesh are also doing but where they have done it differently is that they have implanted their ideology in many places so that if the Syria/Iraq base, Libya, Tunisia and wherever else they have a foothold is completely swept clean, the people waiting will have time to prepare for that phase of their campaign. It is a frightening thing when we accept that, but the west has to share in its responsibility for causing that. Probably the best solution will be to get the vast majority of Moslems back on side. No support means that Daesh would die a natural death. That means dropping the prejudice and hostility toward them but idiots like Trump simply cannot or will not see that.

Muslim clerics were saying the same thing in Australia a little less than 10 years ago. A prominent politician at the time publicly stated that if Muslims came to Australia thinking that they were going to change the country, they should forget it. He said it just wouldn't happen. Later this guy encouraged people to have more children - "one for Mum, one for Dad and one for the country". There have been anti-Muslim riots and the confident Muslim rhetoric has dried up. The lesson is that if you think you are going to take over in the future, the last thing you should do now is talk about it.

I think that moderate Muslims fail to condemn jihadi terror strongly enough and this attitude will eventually cost them.

One thing that people tend to forget is that the Nazi party was very much a minority even before it got to power. In the last free elections it received 33% of the vote and 33% of the seats. If the SPD, KPD and Centre had been able to form a coalition, that would have kept the Nazis out. As it was, they hated each other more than they feared the Nazis. No other politician took Hitler seriously and some believed he could be controlled and they and the rest of the world paid the price.

We haven't quite reached the same conditions which favoured the Nazis but we are not far off, in my opinion.

Thank you Etienne - very helpful.

>>Would the US voters really allow themselves to be governed by this guy ?>>

They allowed themselves to be governed by George W Bush, so the answer is yes. As a US relative, a landscape gardner, said to my father 50 years ago "Anyone can be President. I could be President".

The FN are the majority after the 'premier tour' in your area Etienne, what's the local feelings regarding Marine & FN etc ?

Hello Kitt,

I 'll try to explain the French electoral system.

To elect the president, the "députés" (menbers of parliament) and the regional delegates, it is a two-round voting system.

If no candidate receives the required number of votes (usually an absolute majority , then those candidates having less than a certain proportion of the votes, or all but the two candidates receiving the most votes, are eliminated, and a second round of voting is held.


Fanatics seem to increase like mushrooms. The USA has at least two potential presidential candidates who qualify for that and that is without having a look at fundamentalist Christians, some of whom are as rabid and hateful as any other despotic group.

We seem to be in agreement that Western leaders need to come up with a new strategy - or learn to think outside of the box. I have not said that there should be another war, infact I said that whilst it might push back Isil, it won't deal with the fanatics around the world, who by all evidence are increasing in number. That is why no one has yet come up with a solution, bur one needs to be arrived at pretty quickly.

So, 'we' all invade yet another country without a by your leave, spiting the Geneva and Hague conventions on war because 'we' know better. In fact it opens the door to eventual repetition of what Blair and Bush have on their consciences, if they actually have them, that gave rebirth to a dying al Qaeda in the form of what is now Daesh. What would be achieved by another war other than setting up the next one in country X and then where does the chain of wars end? It is a complex issue that requires entirely new strategies and that includes not invading Syria or bombing the stuffing out of cities in which people will convert progressively to them because they are being killed on a far greater scale than anything Daesh are doing? It need rethinking for sure but also more sympathy on the ground for those who are not and/or do not want to be part of what is happening.

History is one thing, but the question of how to deal with ISIL remains. It is pretty clear what caused the creation of ISIL, but as I said earlier, the genie is well and truly out of the bottle. Continued bombing of Syria and Iraq, or perhaps a full ground war may halt the creation of caliphate states, and take back territories already declared a caliphate, but this will not deal with ISIL's poisonous ideology which seems well and truly implanted in fanatics around the world. I suggest that Western leaders are going to have to think outside the box if this Islamic terrorism is to be defeated. Look again at the link and see what is happening right now in Belgium. It is no use burying one's head in the sand.

Did somebody find Stump on Amazon Bargain Basement, all the leftovers that nobody wants but everybody must have.

Marine has Marion Maréchal-Le Pen, beloved niece, potentially eclipsing her and worse, her sister Marie-Caroline is an estate agent! No chance, but have a nice time for the time being.

Spot on John, these are indeed worrying times and it says a lot about modern day politics when someone like Trump is considered a serious candidate for the top job !! Money can buy anything apparently but can it really access the red button ?

Yes Peter, I noted Blaire getting his apology in ahead of the Chilcot report though I'm much more interested in if there will be any impact in the States.

No doubt Trump will say anything to garner support but what worries me is that unless US citizens understand how we got here the chnances of a half sensible plan to get out of it seem slim, especially with an idiot like Trump in charge. For the average Joe to understand, IMO, he needs to grasp just what dangerous people Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz (and probably most of the Republican party luminaries) are and I don't see that happening anytime soon. Maybe even the opposite. The Neocons need and other idiot figurehead :-(

I agree Graham, I'll have a look at the video.

Graham, Trump is an idiot, to call a spade a spade. Moslems have been in the USA for a very long time. A very large part of the West African slave trade sent Moslems to the 'New World' colonies. Not all of them actually did convert to Christianity as propaganda will have one believe. So, the slave trade there began with the Spanish, then the French and then finally the English, some 12.5 million were sent of whom 10.7 million survived the voyages to North America between 1525 and 1866. At least 20% of them retained Islam, although it was sometimes hidden behind a façade of Christianity. So, coming up to 500 years after the first Moslems reaching what is now the USA Trump is going to do exactly what?

Apart from anything else, that would be a heck of an incentive for downtrodden African-Americans and others with Islamic heritage who have been there for countless generations to react. Plenty of those will be easy prey for Daesh. Some tens, perhaps hundreds of thousands of home grown IS terrorists and what the idiot is proposing will exacerbate and speed up that happening.

What is Trump saying about the shooting, beating and even known torture of African Americans and let us not forget Hispanics and a few others by police? What is he saying about weapons control (other than it should not be and people should have more weapons) which would help a bit. What is he actually saying that a person who claims to be capable of leading the country that claims to be the most democratic country in the world should be saying to convince people who believe in democracy? Or should they go over to some kind of totalitarianism?

Tony Blair admitted he and Bush were responsable for the current ISIL regime. Blair 'came out' a few weeks back no doubt pre empting The Chilcot Report which is destined to nail him and Bush.

It's no coincidence either the rise in ISIL and it's pushing of the boundaries has been attributed to the US troop pull out from 2004. Resistance has been limited since then which has allowed ISIL to flourish.

From the outside Trump seems to be a loose cannon. Would the US voters really allow themselves to be governed by this guy ?