France Insider website

After seeing the recommendations here I registered as a free subscriber so as to take my time to decide even though I know it won’t give me access to much.

If anyone has done the same check your emails as they’ve just sent me an email offering a second year free if I take the first one.

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No @strudball says his version is in English. Yours at €5.49pcm is in French. To get the English version you have to pay €7.99pcm if you compare the three offers on the page you will see English version is not available for €5.49. Unless I have miss read the page.

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I get a mail into my mail box every morning ( exc dimanche) and currently pay €2.49…though it may have been a 12 month introductory offer about eight months ago. It carries a lot of the days articles translated into English …with the option to also read them in French.

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That’s interesting @strudball - so it’s an email selection of articles rather than a copy of the paper itself? That could explain the massive difference in price, but I must admit I’d not seen the option of what you’re getting at all - just the 3 main options for the actual paper, whether digital or hard copy…

Thank you to Jane, Porridge and John for your kind comments about France Insider.

France Insider is not per se a news service, but a specialist on-line journal offering advice and information on the practical aspects of French property ownership and living in France. Our focus is not on saturated coverage of events in France but on the analysis of key topics. Our values are objectivity and independence.

We are always interested in hearing from readers about topics they would like us to cover. Indeed, many of our articles are inspired by the experiences of our readers.

David Yeates


@Angela…yes its not an e-edition of the actual paper (aka an exact electronic facimile copy) but a translated version of many of that day’s articles. There is an index enabling access to many previous articles…one omission is that its not possible to save or book mark favourites, like you for examples The Times.
But for the cost very good value, and I’ll continue when the years introductory offer expires.

@David_Yeates …how heavily biased towards property is the newsletter.
I read the old site but don’t want to pay just for property reports, having bought a house, not selling etc I’ve moved on needing such things.
Being able to try before you buy might get you additional subscribers.

In post 4 above I gave the list of the articles from last few weeks.

Is it a compilation of press releases or pukka journalism backed up by real fact not dredged from social media and web chatter…as so many “newsletters” are and which is cheap and easy to do!

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