French connections - Is French healthcare the best in the world?

Several of the new “student” doctors speak a little English and like to question us in English - seems English is fast becoming “the” language in our nearest Teaching Hospital and they are keen to sharpen up their verbal skills as well as their scalpels :face_with_head_bandage::face_with_thermometer::dizzy_face:

We try to stick to French but do lapse on occasion… generally ends up with everyone having a good laugh, in whatever language.

The SS reimbursement based on a set amount. So you will get 17,50€ for a MT appointment whether you pay 25 or 35€ . And the base de remboursement for specialists are between 46 and 76 euros…so you’ll get x percentage of that.

It had crossed my mind to wonder if the English Patient choosing an English-Specialist MT might just have to pay for the whole thing… rather like paying the full price if refusing a generic medication… but it was only a vague, mischievous thought :upside_down_face::wink::wink:

All I’ll say is that this MT drives a new Jaguar.:wink:

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