French values

La laïcité


Perfect !

@George1 ’s answer, la laïcité, as if it were obvious !

He’s a lapsed Catholic - there may be a connection :sunglasses:

A man’s right to pee wherever he chooses…


From my experience in Paris, les femmes aussi.


That definitely. I heard on the radio yesterday of a man who was convicted of littering by having a pee, hidden from sight in a layby in England. He was cleared of penalty because he produced a prostate problem certificate, but Joshua Rosenberg, the legal eagle said there was no such law anyway, it was removed from the statute 20 odd years ago.

My stepson, when a very punk teenager many years ago got caught short in the town centre and, with the public WC closed, went up a dark alley next to the Methodist Church to relieve his bladder. He got a community order I think.

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If one is going to pee in public I far prefer the French habit of peeing out in the open/by your car/in the gutter, as less likely to stink. Nothing worse than pee infested dark alleys!

Absolutely, but it wasn’t of choice, and the public toilets were closed at night. As far as peeing in the gutter is concerned, yes, more environmentally acceptable , but definitely not more legally acceptable. A much more serious charge would have been made in that case.

But i have mentioned I think before, the difference between French and British attitudes in the matter of peeing. Traditionally British lorry drivers have peed on the front wheel of the truck (hence the slang expression ‘cooling the brakes’), backs turned discreetly to the populace but which, on large and remote motorway service area lorry parks, produces a horrible smell because it dries on the tarmac rather than filtering into the soil.

French drivers, on the other hand are quite different, they pull into the side of the road and face the view where it merges into the landscape.

What is the opposite of pragmastism?

Xi Jinping + V. Putin

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Interesting morning in our local post office… Solidarity was voted the most important French Value…

Being complimented on my high-viz… we talked about pedestrians et al… and the need to be clearly visible.

the chat got round to "cyclists wearing earphones and listening to music… " :wink:
(I mentioned our Forum discussions)
and things went swiftly on from there… I stood by and just tried to follow the fast-flowing exchanges.

the postmistress went on about cars/motos …
another mentioned incidents in the workplace… and beyond…

One lady said how she often had to search the premises for missing pupils during the official Fire-Drills and found them listening to music on their earphones and oblivious to the Drill … or the fact that they were putting someone else at risk (her in this role-play) as well. as themselves.
As she said…
"with a real fire, there will be loss of life and I don’t want it to be mine…
Rules and guidance are there, but these people want to do their own thing…
that’s Liberty as far as they are concerned… "

the nub of this long conversation is that we all agreed on Solidarity being the most important value… supporting/looking after other people and/or not doing anything which might endanger/harm someone else.


The quintessential French value? Hum, I would say freedom. To speak up, to contest, to work, to love, to help out, or to be selfish… But it’s complicated, right?

For what’s worth, I have put together a 23-minute video to explain my take on French values and lifestyle, here:

The idea was to enlightend my customers. I am hope I am breaking some forum rule, here - if so advise. At any rate, I would love to hear what all of you think!!

Are you sure? I couldn’t get to the end as it didn’t engage me - essentially the visuals were rather dull and too much time with nothing to look at. Your style might be better suited to a podcast? Also I could have done with some variation in tone and pace. It was like being read to, rather than someone talking to me.

You did ask!

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There is a village not too far from us, Laprade Basse. They have just built a new toilet block at one end of the car park. This toilet block has two external urinals. That is, two urinals mounted on the outside of the block, facing one end of the car park. Quite bizzarre. Next time I’m up there, I’ll take a picture.

Can’t remember where, but it had “eco” urinals which were basically bales of hay. Then taken and composted as urine is a great way to activate the composting process. Nitrogen rich….which is why often find nettle patches at lay-bys as nettles like nitrogen rich soil.

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From the old Hackney carriage days?

It certainly is…
According to the French Press, just the other day… many people are stepping away from supporting the “revolting farmers” :wink: , feeling they have overstepped their right to protest and are/were causing difficulties etc to ordinary folk…

I asked and you answered - and I thank you for that! “Too much time with nothing to look at”, interesting and easily addressable - if only more work.

You are right that this is probably more audiobook/podcast material, which I will try. (Mind you, it’s meant as an add-on to a real estate course, but nevertheless).

Thanks again!!

And, well, there is more just so you know. There will a real estate focused course at some point - but not yet!

Talking to a French friend in London who had lived here for some time he told me the thing he missed most about France was socialism , there isn’t one socialist party here in the uk he lamented and he had had enough and was returning to France. Although a few years ago to me he was right I believe there is much more care for people and communities and notice daily the dreadful lack of support for people in need.