Gendarme isolation checks

Yes a friend of ours was the same today.

Doing what they need to do

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Or told to do, which is quite correct but in the sceme of things pointless. Omicron is already there and well over a million with it (lots more but just cant be bothered to check).
May as well let the police door knock and test.

OH got a message from an ex-colleague telling her that the colleague and husband were checked by gendarmes on their return from the UK after Xmas.

Well that’s our 10 days of quarantine just finished after returning from the UK and no sign of PC Plod. I get the impression that quite a lot of people posting on here live in bucolic areas where the cops perhaps don’t have as much on their hands; maybe this explains the seemingly high number of visits. Here in la banlieu parisienne the rozzers are perhaps too busy chasing hoodlums to come checking on returning Brits.

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Good that’s what they should be doing.

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Morning All

Got back from the UK last Thursday, tested Sunday am at the infermiers. Visit from The Gendarmes Sunday pm. Very friendly, photoed the certificates and thanked us for our co-operation.

Very impressed.



Thats too bad France, not going now. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: