Green Monday... Fruit and Veg

I make a le til bolognaise, which our girls love and still make themselves.
My problem is that I now have to watch the amount of wheat I eat

I’m also now trying for at least one meatless day a week and your recipe seems simple enough for me to have a go so thank you very much.

Here’s one from Stanly Tucci, the Italian-American actor:
uovo fra’diavolo (Poached Eggs in Tomato Sauce). I like to add fresh basil and black olives, finely chopped. It’s also better with fresh San Marzano tomatoes, if one can find them, or just fresh Roma tomatoes or any good ripe tomato). For my taste, the black olives are key.

Serves 2
60ml olive oil
1 small onion, thinly sliced
225g tinned whole plum tomatoes
4 large eggs
Salt and black pepper

1 Warm the olive oil in a medium-size nonstick frying pan over medium heat. Add the onion and cook until soft – about 3 minutes.

2 Stir in the tomatoes, crushing them with your hand or the back of a slotted spoon as you add them to the pan. Cook until the tomatoes have sweetened – about 30 minutes – stirring occasionally.

3 Gently break the eggs into the pan, and cover. Cook until the whites are opaque and the yolks are moderately firm: about 5 minutes. Serve immediately, seasoned with salt and pepper to taste.

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I find it a really strange question…surely people don’t eat meat and fish every single day of their lives…???

I don’t eat meat and have fish only rarely…so it’s no big deal to not eat either on Mondays…

I made a pasta soup tonight out of some left over pasta…not one of my better creations so I won’t write the recipe here but I am watching the vegetarian recipes with interest…x :smiley:

Yes they do Helen.

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So do we… meat or fish once every day…as a rule…

mostly the cheaper cuts of meat from local producer/suppliers

Beef: mince, braising steak
Chicken/duck: pieces, lardons
Lamb: mince, chops
Pork: sausages, lardons, chops, ham, spicy sausagemeat

Fish: anything I fancy fresh or frozen… depending on price

I go two or three days a week completely meat free and eat far more chicken and fish than other meats on the other days. I normally eat meat when I eat out to ensure that the meal is different to eating at home.

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I could settle for chicken/duck/fish… but OH could not… simple as that…

We both love our food and I love cooking dishes which I know he will enjoy. I have already cut-down on our red meat intake… and we do have the odd totally veggie day every now and again… but not very often… and then, it is only by chance…never by design. :thinking:

I agree with eating something different, when eating out… I enjoy a “meal of discovery” :hugs:

I would love to be able to buy lamb mince, but have never seen it round here.
We are, obviously, a beef producing area.
I do remember when a shoulder of lamb included the fillet, which is now sold as an expensive cut on its own.
Having a large freezer is necessary when you are far from the shops and I, like you, buy when I see good offers on Label Rouge chickens or pintades.
We are having more meat free days, I made an aubergine curry last night for my supper.
I will be making a lentil loaf this week.
If you make lentil bolognaise, you can make cottage pie.
I make a mashed celeriac topping, as I try not to eat protein and carbs together.
We also have chickens, so lots of eggs.
Have you tried making a frittata instead of an omelette?
You can make it ahead and eat it cold.
Our favourite is mushroom and leek.
You do need a frying pan with a metal handle, as you finish it off under the grill.
Avoid putting it into the oven, it dries it out.


I do volunteer work in the UK, for a large organisation. All our voluntary roles have to be assessed to ensure that a paid employee couldn’t do them. One of the volunteers is a retired single man who does a few different ‘jobs’. It was realised that he was doing near full time hours and he was called in to justify this ,which he could

As Nellie suggests… volunteering is not straight forward. OH cannot paint the cemetery gates … but he can be trusted to switch the street lights ON or OFF in the village when the automatic system goes mad.

Anyone who wants to Volunteer will IMO be grabbed in a big hug by the Associations and/or Charities:
Comité des Fêtes, Amicale Laïque (school)…Secours Catholique, Banque Alimentaire, Groupe Funerailles … etc etc.

Ask at your Mairie to find out what Associations/Charities are in your area.

Just looked in fridge to work out dinner, and it will be a green open tart from bits & pieces.

Sweat and cool vegetables - onions, courgettes, peppers, some mushrooms and a bit of fennel. Roll out remaining half of slab of puff pastry and mark an inch wide border.

Blitz some nuts, garlic, herbs, lemon juice and olive oil to make a pesto. Spread across puff pastry. Lay out vegetables on top. Scatter small knobs of cheese here and there.

Pop into hottish over for 20-30 minutes. Eat warm rather than boiling hot with boiled potato and salad.


This is my second no-meat Monday in the “Lundi Vert” challenge and this week the organizers have emailed several vegetarian recipes. Below is one for soup. They also sent a veg burger recipe but I think Jane’s looks better so I will eventually make her bean burger.

Velouté de betterave

Ingrédients : 700g de betteraves rouges crues - 2 oignons émincés - 1 panais - 100g de persil - 1 gousse d’ail - 500ml d’eau - 1 cube de bouillon de légumes.

Préparation : Épluchez les betteraves, le panais et le persil tubéreux. Coupez le tout en gros cubes et mettez-les dans une casserole avec les oignons émincés, l’eau et le bouillon. Laissez cuire à feu moyen jusqu’à ce que les betteraves soient bien tendres. Cela peut prendre jusqu’à 40mn en fonction des betteraves et de la taille de vos morceaux. En fin de cuisson, ajoutez la gousse d’ail et mixez. Rectifiez l’assaisonnement et servez immédiatement avec un filet de crème, quelques brins d’aneth puis parsemez le tout de quelques pincées de graines de chanvre.

I think this sort of thing is a great idea, as hopefully even the most committed carnivores could manage a day? Anyway, I had a look at the Lundi Vert site…which doesn’t have much detail unless you sign up. And I’m reluctant to sign up to somethimg when I don’t know what it involves. Any clues please?

I’m not signing up to anything… but you/we can follow their ideas on “twitter” without being “twitterers” ourselves…:rofl::open_mouth:

some interesting food ideas waiting to be pecked at… :hugs:

Hi Jane,

The site and research project seem genuine and the questionaire reasonably well thought out. At the end of filling in the questionaire one still has the option not to participate,

The email address I submitted has gone on so many commercial websites that I am not too worried about spam. The profile questions were not especially personal. Iwas only asked to submit my town/city.

All I received last week was a reminder on the Sunday and then on Tuesday a single click-on email question asking if I had gone meat/fish free.

This morning I received an email reminder for today and 10 vegetarian recipes, none of which I found to be particularly impressive but that’s ok since the point here is to be a giver not a taker.

Thanks, that’s reassuring so I might give it a go. Since we have a vegetarian diet 4 days a week, and rarely eat meat, it won’t be too hard!

I don’t do twitter, and won’t even look at it. A bit like facebook, snapchat and airbnb I prefer to exercise consumer choice and not add to their statistics.

@JaneJones… you don’t have “to do twitter” … to read all about Green Monday and follow the recipes… the Link (from the news article) goes straight to the Page… but if you wanted to write on it… then (I believe) you would have to join.

Personally, I subscribe to as few things as possible… my friends and family fill my email Inbox with all their crazy stuff… and that is quite enough… bless 'em.

I think even looking at twitter pages is captured in their statistics.

Ah well… it is up to folk… anyone seeking ideas for Green Monday… can do so freely without subscribing… and there are so many on that Green Monday Twitter link… that I reckon “Just One Look” :thinking: could give enough ideas for the whole year…

Subscribing (to anything) seems to be more invasive (IMO) than taking one peek… but each to their own.

If we were all the same… life would be very dull, wouldn’t it… :grin:

If you are really that paranoid use a VPN.