Habitation Tax

Hello Roger

Thank you so much for your help. Our french is not good and it has been very difficult, fun, but difficult!

I suppose we are too late to file a tax return? If not then how do we do that?


Tax d' habitation, you should be able to claim an exoneration, T&C on the back of your bill, they will need to be able to check your income therefore you should have entered a tax return, your liability for Tax d'habitation starts on the first 1st of January you live in the house You will be unable to obtain an exoneration from taux Foncières until you reach the ripe old age of 75, but you may be able to claim 100€ if you are between 65 and 75.

We were told by DWP in Newcastle to pay tax in France on our state pensions by submitting a copy of our S1 annually. This would make us eligible for claiming against tax d’habitation.
It’s worth a try anyway.

mdr ! not at all condescending, and after all, I took the time to answer and give you all the information you're after, and that after a 90 hour week! not asking you to pay for the service either...!

Okay thanks but not sure I liked the way your tone!!!!.......I have always paid what I owe and never been able to get away without paying anything and all I wanted was a civil answer, not a condescending one!!!

Thanks Tracy for your help.

Yup, if you live in France you MUST file a tax return, even if it just says how much you earned, in whichever country. The French will decide if you owe them tax. You can’t have benefits in France unless you contribute in France.

in that case, you'll be paying taxe d'habitation (unless you weren't living there, as you say, the place was empty and you've got the mairie to certifie that to the local impôts...) and taxe foncière. Not sure about what you need to qualify for exemption ,if it exists. But if you're resident in France, you should be paying your taxes here too and filling out your tax return like the rest of us in April/May ;-)

Here's all the info you need re exoneration - you should be exempt over 60 but you'll need to be "in the system" ;-)

Hello Tracy

Sorry am I being a little thick (don't answer that!) but we have not filed a tax return in France as we are paying tax in the UK does this change the eligeability?

We have actually had the house since August 2011 but due to fosse problems, we did not move into it until June 2012 so does this count do you know?


Yes, you have to have filed an income tax return to be eligible. However, you pay the taxe d'habitation on the house you were resident in, on the 1st of January of that year, so you shouldn't have to pay last years. Your first tax will be due in about October of this year.

Taxe Fonciere for 2012 should have been sorted out by the notaire when you bought the house.

Hi again

I found the discussions but there is no mention whether you have to be in the french tax system or not - so the question is still open.


Hi Steve. Thank you. Not sure how to do that but I will have a look



this was discussed on here quite recently so you may be able to search for the pages.