Happy ending... stories to cheer us up

When my eldest was a toddler someone gave her a cuddly toy otter. It had to come everywhere with us and she insisted on calling it ‘Lovely Beaver’ …


Badger hams were on country menus for winter.
Of course, this was before they became protected and infected with tb.

Hi Captain,
The reason is that in the restaurants that do this, the cooking slabs are heated to 600C. There is no way you can get anywhere near this at home, in a domestic oven. These max out at 250C

You might want to have a look at ‘Pyrolytic Self Cleaning Ovens’ some of these go up to 5-600C on the self-clean cycle.

Or…anyone who wants the perfect steak or flat bread can order one of James’s patent BBQ’s with extra cooking plate. They get unbelievably (restaurant) hot !

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This one?

No that was the rocket stove - very good but he’s made a proper BBQ now which gets MUCH hotter :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

I think I saw the vid he posted but can’t seem to find it now…

perhaps it self-destructed after 5 seconds… :sweat_smile: :crazy_face:

nah, perhaps fizzled out :fire: :man_firefighter: