Has anyone applied for French citizenship recently?

A carte de séjour and naturalisation are two very different things, Paddy. :wink:

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They certainly have, Stella, and for obvious reasons already discussed earlier :wink:

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heartily agree… even if it means I never “get that final goal”…

When I considered it, years ago… it was pointed out that it was a lot of faffle and expensive as well, with the only real benefit being that I could perhaps become Maire… well, as I didn’t want to be Maire, I stopped gathering the dossier…

Now, of course, things are very different and I rather wish I had not heeded my French friend’s advice… (he was Maire at the time… :hugs:)

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Actually for some categories of people knowledge of the language at a very basic level is required for a carte de résidence.

This is on the government site, so I presume they know…same text as Paddy’s extract “Si vous faites une 1re demande de carte de résident, vous devez prouver que votre maîtrise du français est supérieure ou égale au niveau A2 du cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues (CECRL) du Conseil de l’Europe.

Pour cela, vous devez :

soit avoir réussi un test linguistique,
soit avoir obtenu un diplôme attestant un niveau de connaissance du français au moins équivalent au niveau A2 du CECRL ou sanctionnant un enseignement suivi en langue française.

The main group of people seems to ne those who have married a French person, and live either here or abroad.


Paddy’s link was from 2018…

and I was wondering whether it had changed since then… for the CdS… for better or worse…

as we know it has certainly changed for Citizenship/Nationality

I’ll be OK then with that! The mayor is my neigbour (in our tiny hamlet just outside the village!) and we have 3 gendarmes - 2 are married and the parents of oneof my little ones best friends and the other a (scary) trainer at his football club :rofl: :rofl: i’ve also been the organiser of the christmas market of the village for 3 years and even stood up in a council meeting and got cross at them about the Christmas lights :rofl: :rofl: much to everyones amusement! So if that intergration counts I’m good!

PS I LOVE christmas :rofl: :rofl:

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The process has changed continually over the years. I have an English friend who gained French citizenship early 1990s,at which time it was much quicker and easier-no history tests, no exams. I have French citizenship since April 2019 and the whole process took two years. My ‘proof’ of the French language (my French qualifications weren’t accepted because they weren’t ‘nationally recognised’) was the first level first aid PSC1 course, which was a measure unique to the Rhône at the time, I think. This measure of French language ability was no longer accepted from 2019. So changes are nothing to do with the Brexit. As stated above, UK citizens make up a very low percentage of total French nationality requests, so there is no logic in this line of thought. Good luck for your French nationality request.

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The level required is now B1.

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The timing, however, is extremely suspect.

Coincidentally to discussion about how rubbish writing skills are, this popped into my inbox today. I should probably do it!

Cher partenaire,
La situation de confinement que nous vivons tous actuellement offre aussi de nouvelles opportunités. Dans cet esprit, nous avons négocié pour vous 1 mois complet de formation gratuite en ligne sur différents thèmes pour mieux communiquer avec vos clients. Sans aucun engagement, vous pouvez ainsi profiter de cette période pour vous former sur un ou plusieurs domaines en fonction de vos besoins :

• 1 mois gratuit de cours d’orthographe, grammaire & expression écrite en ligne

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I didn’t have you down as a ‘conspiracy theorist’ Jane. :smile:

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It isn’t a conspiracy Tim, just that we are all aware that in both the UK and French governments that consider people who have moved from one country to another as somehow less worthy than those who stay at home.
You only have to look at IDS and the lies he told to steal our WFP.
Why would the French health authorities who knew darned well that from the signing of the WA on the 1st January that our healthcare was guaranteed, wait until the 9th October to inform all Departement CPAMs of that fact?
It just smells off to me.

I take it @JaneJones that the offer isn’t open to everyone - just you, courtesy of your work? :smiley:

I think the fact that France has made things so easy for us Brits wanting a CdS suggests they are want to be helpful not makes things more difficult.

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It was from the people we use as a portal for our gîte, and I’ve just looked and it seems to just need you to enter your email, with no code

Thanks Jane - I am currently doing one hour a week with each of two teachers but I can do with all the help I can get :smiley:

I still do 10-20 mins a day with Frantastique, as I reckon these days I forget as fast as I learn.

Me too, unfortunately :frowning:

And even Macron makes errors when writing! I wonder what Brigitte said!

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