Health check ups for ladies

My local CPAM has denied me a treatment in UK, a scintimammogram, which is a check up for women who have had lobular cancer. It is very difficult to find in France, but I have no had an introduction via a friend's daughter-in-law to a Professor in Lyon.

The reason they gave was that I am a UK retiree living in France. Both the Policy Team of the Department of Health in Whitehall and the enquiry line of the Commission gave me the same answer and quoted the European Regulations which said that I was entitled to the treatment.

This is another instance of the French only applying their out of date rulings and not even considering the EU regulations. This was the laughably named International Relations Department in Chalon sur Saone.

My ex UK MEP has asked questions in the European Parliament regarding the implementations of the European Regulations, as I bet, I am not the only UK pensioner who has been fobbed off with this answer.

I have just received the notice calling me for a normal mammogram and I have recently had a negative result for colorectal cancer, so I am trying to keep up to date.

Fortunately for me I do not have to have a smear test anymore.

Early diagnosis is very important, I know because my lobular breast cancer was only found by a deep biopsy, a year after I had first complained of symptoms.

Well good luck with all that!!! I just thought i would tell you my experiences.....although i am in Corsica which is probably a bit different to mainland France in terms of hospital treatment etc.......I had a smear in UK in january while home visiting.....which unfortunately took ages to come back with the the time i got them i was back in Corsica working.......I needed treatment quickly as it was CIN 3......I have a carte vitale but no mutuelle or additional insurance here as I cannot afford i had a rdv with a gynae in Corsica as i thought that might be an easier way of dealing with it.....few days later it was confirmed i needed an op and fast....i could go into hospital here in Corsica and have to have 2 weeks off as they do the op under general anaesthetic here so you stay in for a while....or go back to the UK and have a day surgery op.....the problem was my Corsican boss who I knew would sack me if he thought i had to have more than a week i flew back to was all over swiftly but I was advised not to fly afterwards....had no choice as had to get back to work......came back...had a fairly scary experience as haemorraghed and doc/ antenne medical here were not equipped to deal with own fault for flying and going back to work too soon.......but i really had no choice as was scared of losing my job........anyway am 1 year clear now so fingers crossed...but just to let you know that if you do not have a mutuelle here all is at your cost.........i had nothing reimbursed by CPAM ,,,,,,,except for smear test and results..the gynae visits cost over 100 euros a time here.........i lost a weeks wages.....and various visits to doctors at 32 euros a time to get sick certificate and meds when i haemorraghed......luckily for me am still registered with a UK address so the NHS op cost me nothing.......i would love to get a mutuelle but i cannot afford it as paid the SMIC here...........i get a smear test every year when i go back to UK ,,,i wouldn;t have it done here again as it costs too much ,,,,,but its an essential and can save your life!!!!!

This is what it says on my sage femme's business card:

"suivi de grossesse, préparation à la naissance, suivi post-natal, rééducation périnéale, suivi gynnécologique de prévention"

So I guess I can go to her for cervical smears etc too...and so much easier than going to the doctor... where there is sometimes a bit of a waiting list.

Just thought I'd mention that there are two different types of 'sterilet' - one hormonal (Mirena) and the other not which uses a fine copper wire wrapped around the T, whose presence prevents pregnancy. Most people are unaware of the non-hormonal option, which is just as 'efficace' as the hormonal type, but without the artificial hormones.

Didn't know that - thanks Helen!

Also worth knowing is a "sage femme" (midwife) can advise and prescribe contraception (and maybe lots of other things too). Her fee, which I think was about 20 Euros for a consultation was reimbursed too.

I went to my normal doctor recently about getting a diaphragm but she couldn't tell me anything about it. I think this is because they aren't used very much in France. She sent me to the local sage femme who was excellent.

I expect the sage femme can do lots of other "women's" stuff too...anyway its worth looking into.

Re Mammograms - the literature I have from programme national du ministère de la santé offers screening from 50 til 74 every two years

Speaking of mammograms please let's not forget the men. They should check their breasts regularly too as it is quite possible for them to get breast cancer and obviously not forgetting their other important little bits.

Hi Suzanne, great post.

My gynae always gave me a 'frottis' as part of my 6 week after teh birth check up though. It should also be mentioned that they wont send for you, the onus is on you to make the appointment.

Can I say that I have a 'sterilet' in place, called a 'Mirena' and it is known as a 'hormonal coil'. They are the number one for contraception in France and absolutely fab - note they cost over 100€ but are reimbursable - unlike most contraceptive pills. One other thing, do ensure you have it checked every 12 months, I missed my last check up thinking, ahh, it'll be alright. However, when I went to have mine changed over after 5 years, it had gone walkabout so I had to have it removed under general anesthetic (OK, I am a coward despite having had both my kids here). The good thing is that they put the new one in at the same time so that helped. If you want to PM me the details, I don't mind making the call for you.

Liz, is it 40 for mammograms, I thought it was 50 and I had a few years grace?

This is exactly the same procedure as at my Doctors. I have to admit I was a little embarrassed taking the envelope to the post office though. The results arrive in the post and if I remember correctly you get the invoice first and then the results arrive AFTER you have paid the invoice. Thanks for posting as it's reminded me I need to make "That" appointment.

Just a thought to add to this for those of us over 40! Every 2 years my Gyne gives me an ordnance (prescription) for a mammogram. I then have to take the film with me the following year, of course the Doctor at the Lab where the mammogram is done looks too and will spot any problems. I`ve had one done a couple of years ago so I have the piece of paper to go again, I keep putting it off as it is painful but I know I must do it and bite the bullet!

Thanks Suzanne for putting up the post.

Thanks for the boot up the nether regions !

Even though I'm a guy, I work in and around a few subjects of women's health, particularly cancer. Thanks for posting. Just a few other terms in case people are interested they call the contraceptive pill 'la pillule' (or at least my wife does). Not sure about other forms, but with the pill the three mentioned are likely the most common.

Brilliant Sus - well done for taking the time and trouble to post!