Here for the duration

Hi Emily

Before I moved to France, my husband said, don't expect to make french friends, we had many discussions about it and I thought that that wouldn't be possible for me, as Ive always picked up friends and an eclectic bunch they are, however, unfortunately he was right, maybe through circumstances. It's not to say that there are many things I will miss, and Im sure the reverse culture shock will be there as well, but it feels like time..quite happy to come screaming back screaming I WAS WRONG I don't think so, and we will always have the house in the south.

Interesting! My new ish husband and I came here to live till we daughter is about to have her first child and I feel very far away and would be happy to trade this wonderful weather for easier access to her family so I feel that it is for a wonderful but limited husband says he will never this space!

We had a friend who worked in the A & E at Gloucester hospital and they always had more emergencies bbrought in from Stroud in the evenings and late at night.

Hi Carol, thanks for your reply; in looking back; i think i come accross as negative, i've had many postive experiences in France, just not with the French, but i know i have grown as a person from being here, but i suppose that with my mum dying in 2008 and both my husbands parents dying within 8 months of one another and not having any support from anybody here, it has probably affected my view. We will always come back for a holiday etc, but for now i want to be around happy, positive people. All the best to you and your move shame I wasnt living in the south still ; perhaps it might have made my experience a happier one.

believe me..I was shocked! my sister and brother in in the area for 5 years..told us to avoid certain areas...assuming they were being 'soft' we ignored the was an uncomfortable half an hour...being stared at.....young and older men watching our every move...I am not easily scared...have been brought up in a black belt Judo practioner.....since age 15....but I would rather walk the East End of London on a Saturday night than walk through the no go areas of Perpignan any day of the week!

kate...I wish you every bit of luck with your move....and cant disagree with your comments. We will follow...if we can find anyone willing to buy our large, expensive house...despite costing a quarter less than it cost us 3 years ago...and despite us spending over a quarter of the price again on fixing the house up. I am happy to move and asap to the UK....just to avoid any further reduction in the value due to the Euro/pound.

Andy we are going back because....we want to. We tried France...gave it 3 years...and now know its a great destination for us...for holidays. Will keep our holiday home in the Languedoc...but wish to return to the UK... an hour from london....all the culture we crave within an hours travel....good airports....and we have a lovely holiday home in the Languedoc...whenever we feel the craving....

Personally, yes,I intend on staying here.other half being French is one thing, but we plan on starti.g a family next yeAr, and from that point on, I guess we’re here for the long haul.

I second that, Brian and Tracy. Wish you the very best of luck, Jacqui. If I could, I would send you a leprechaun with a pot of gold! However, I will send you an old traditional Irish blessing:

May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back,
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon your fields and,
Until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

That's me being an auld softie. Seriously, the best of luck and please stay on SFN and let us know how you are getting on.

All the best Jacqui, it's much easier to negotiate tricky stuff in your own language/culture and I hope it all works out for you, you deserve it! Keep in touch!

Thanks Brian and the pot of happiness will be one I'll certainly look out for x

Will do my best lol as it will all come thick and fast when we get there. Only 2 weeks until the start of term!

Thanks Paula. Good luck with the move and enjoy France - it's wonderful x

Sadly dividing our time is not an option at the moment Angela but never say never. The nice thing is the kids will always have that option too x

Thanks Andrew. Keep healing and good luck with the house :o)

I agree too! We are going back next week, certainly not for financial reasons as we will eat into our savings while trying to sell the house here unless I can find work!

We have enjoyed our time here, but we sent one child back to the UK inOctober and now after one year at College we are taking the younger one back too. He is struggling with the french and hence history etc. There seems to be no help within school, and we do not have the funds/time for outside help, this was all not helped by his teacher being away for about 12 weeks last year and not replaced and this in a core subject! Our eldest is so much happier in the UK, has close frineds , which he never found here in France, but our youngest has lovely friends here who I am sure thanks to facebook etc he will be able to keep in touch with.I have 2 boys who have experienced a different culture and a different language and that can hopefully be a bonus for the future, they also experienced the Falkland Islands for a year, so they have certainly travelled!

We have missed family and will be moving back to the local town as that is where my eldest is at school, It will be the first time we will have lived within 2 1/2 hours of them since I married, such is military life. WE planned to spend 5 years here then reevaluate , I think the military background gets us used to changing every few years, we have done 4 and felt we had to return, but, if we do not sell, and once the boys have left home, you never know we may return, it is just a case of keeping this house going, which will be the difficulty.

We will take back some of France - valuing and spending time with family.

Many thanks Paula and the very best of luck ;-)

Yes Jacqui, I'll go with what the others say and also second Catharine's idea about the comparisons. Good luck with your move and find yourself that big pot of happiness that's lurking round a corner somewhere waiting for you!

And I very much hope that Jacqui keeps contributing from the other side of the channel (you can unpack the boxes first!) as it would be good to have input from someone who has / is experiencing both countries, esp. when it comes to things like schools etc. I know that my experience of UK education is way past its sell by date!

Good luck and best wishes Jacqui.I have enjoyed reading your posts and you have given some great advice.xx

Andrew you are such a sound person,and I hope that you mend quickly without too much difficulties.I love reading your posts also .You and Brian give such great advice so eloquent and also very witty!

As for Ed and myself we want our move to France to be a long if not permanent move, but I am aware that situations change and not always for the better.But we are optimistic, have been waiting 4 years to return and now is our time, and although I have no personal grievances with the UK other than too many people.I am sooo excited about moving, this is another chapter in our life and I can't wait.