Hornet Wars 2021/2022

I’m off to London in a couple of weeks to give a talk regarding treating Asian hornets in France at a Pest Control exhibition/conference.

I will be training British Pest Controllers here in central France on ‘best practice’ for destroying these critters, so they will be prepared for when they arrive en masse on the mother-mainland.

:smiley: :honeybee:


Hi Rob. Is there a particular trap on sale in France that you would recommend?

Hi Fleur
I found that hornets prefer side entry traps, top entry for flies and below entry for wasps.

It depends what you put in the trap, but you can ask 50 people and they will give you 50 different answers.

I only use beer (not Guinness, that’s for me!). The yeast in the beer seems to attract the hornets, yeast also allegedly repulses bees. So, a side entry trap placed in full sunshine with only beer, (not vinegar, syrop, cider, white wine) in my opinion works for me, and my clients.

I’m sure there will be 49 different responses!!!

If you have bees, get chickens, the’ll pluck hornets hawking around beehives.



Thanks Rob. Very helpful!

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Is there a perfect trap that you can recommend (or supply) so that collectively we can join the war to reduce these creatures?

This one is recommended in the Channel Islands but they customise them to so they trap AH and non target species’ are released.

I wouldn’t rely too much of the image which is probably photoshopped.

I don’t supply them, but they seem to be the most popular for AH.

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Looks like you can get them here


Here is a link to the site @SuePJ found:


Get them. The site I saw were £5 each :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


OThanks for your advice :sunglasses: ordered 4 so we will see how they go, I had a run in with some Asian hornets at the top of some scaffolding a few years back and I don’t want any more thank you :laughing:

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Just to add to the other side of the arguement, the Asian hornet is not considered a pest in Asia, it lives happily and is a valued part of the Asian food chain.

Yes they do eat bees, but other insects as well. EH and wasps also eat bees.

The paper wasp (guêpe poliste) has recently arrived in New Zealand; when I was there (Jan 2020) it was as though the same journalists who were reporting AH in France and the UK were now reporting about the killer Asian Paper Wasp wreaking havoc in the Nelson Sound.

The AH is not a vicious murderer, no need to panic. It just shouldn’t be in Europe so needs to be destroyed. Grey squirrel anyone?! :wink::joy:

Aggressive little tykes though. They seem to go on the attack for no particular reason just you having crossed some invisible boundary

Thank you very much for the advice you’vr given on here Rob. Which Departement or region are you normally active in?

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I’m on the Cher (18) Allier (03) border.

I would disagree that AH are overly aggressive, they are less aggressive than the commpn wasp; it takes a lot of energy to sting someone!