How does everyone weather the winter?

Try going to a local Lotto...You can practice French and numbers, and maybe win a nice prize!

Large pots of polenta cooking over the open fire, peeling and chopping more chestnuts for the next lot to dry beside the fire. Digging out good family movies, musicals are brilliant in the winter, but don't ask me how they help create the illusion of warmth. Walks in the woods, aperos with neighbours. A few weeks and then the mornings and evenings start to slowly get longer and the first flowers push through. Done!

Get the logs in, get the booze stocked up, put on a woolly pully, put a decent duvet + electric blanket on the bed, take brisk walks with the dog, look forward to Christmas festivities with friends and family - then look forward to a skiing holiday at the end of Jan/early Feb with family and friends and before you know it Spring is round the corner.

I like to bake - it gives me something to do, it warms the kitchen, it smells nice and I get to eat it! I also enjoy going out for a dog walk, whatever the weather, but we usually get more bright but crisp days than dark, dreary ones so the exercise, fresh air and sunlight are great.

Can we all come too Bruce?

Well Tracy we have our Survive France freindships

So lots of chatting on chilly mornings and exchanging recepies for comfort food dishes

in the afternoon.

We go to Mauritius first week in January and return in March! Breaks the winter up nicely.

I think going out every day helps. I was very isolated in an off season ski resort when my daughter was born, in a very isolated valley - ie no sunshine from September through till May - and worse I had no car and no public transport. I used to wrap us up warm and walk into the town as often as possible so at least I could find someone to speak to.

What lovely thoughts Barbara, may your winter pass quickly:-)

My little one was complaining this morning at having to wear a high-viz jacket on the school bus which has become 'obligatoire'. The look of abject horror on his face when I explained that here in France during winter it's dark until about 9am and then again from about 4.30 was priceless. He's never experienced that before and I can't wait to see how he reacts when the nights start drawing in - very early! Can't wait to get a wood burner installed next month (I hope there's not a sudden Siberian wind before then). Apart from the times he's at school, I can imagine us pottering around at home with big woolly socks on, huddled in front of the fire in the evening. Well, as close as we can get to it with 2 dogs and 3 cats piled in a heap in front of it. There'll be a lot of comfort food and cuddles until Spring starts to make an appearance. Lovely.

Agreed Gill the darkness, extreem cold and being a little cut -off ....they are not the main attractions of winter.

But the wood burning in the burner and the beef slowly becoming a wonderful glow of tender potrine are


Really long lunches with friends which seem to last untill the candles burn to their sleepy end and

the promise of summer begining again...eventually.

The cats all tucked up in their secret places enjoying being at home en famille.