How good a job has Bojo and his team done so far

And he still has France on the ‘orange’ list, even though cases here yesterday were less than a tenth of the UK’s - and falling, whereas the UK’s are rising fast.

At this rate the UK will be on the French red list (and another trip blown out of the water :rage:).

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It looks like it doesn’t it.

Loath as I am to deviate from the recommendations Paul, if I was you and vaccinated I’d forge ahead.

Apology if this has been posted before but I cant comment on how Stupid Boris and his camp are for fear of being banned from the forum.


I will as long as neither the UK or France is on the other’s red list.

If France is on the UK’s red list (unlikely) we’d have to do the hotel quarantine thing on return to the UK - which is firmly in the “not happening” box.

If the UK is on France’s red list then I can only travel for an essential reason so impossible anyway.

I don’t see the UK being on France’s green list at the moment and, in fact, the danger is that it is moved to red.

I could  see France being moved to the UK’s green list but it looks unlikely at the next review (24th June or thereabouts) so I’ll have to plan based on it staying amber - which means I can only get a week at the house (but that’s waaay better than nothing) because I’ll have to quarantine back home and do the day 5 test so I can return to work. If France is put in green I can have two weeks away but that might not be decided until I’m actually in France.

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Finger crossed.

Following on from your cartoon Paul, and I hope not too risqué…


Very good :laughing:

The photoshopping is a little obvious but does not distract from the joke. :slight_smile:

It is pretty green now:

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Yes, logically it should probably move from amber to green - however I suspect that there will be a political dimension to the decision which means it is not guaranteed.

This :point_up_2: It is significantly more likely France will decide the UK is too spicy Covid-wise and put it in red, which will mean travel only with a motif impérieux.

Poor old Ireland has the Ni border. The east/west rules aren’t worth a damn.

France on UK amber list, or UK on France’s red list…it might all pale into a minor problem if there are very much reduced ferry options…i worry how much longer BF can survive, having ships idle for about 18 months with the possibility of further restrictions will eventually result in them closing routes and concentrating just on Caen, less travellers = less routes and crossings needed

Agreed - bloody shame

Something of concern but totally outside my control so I try not to dwell on it. BF re still running though for freight and they opened up some direct routes from Ireland so I’m hoping they will weather the storm.

Otherwise it’s the easterly routes or the tunnel which are a pain but doable.

Which is the crossing we tend to use anyway.


That about sums it up Geof.



Just watching PMQs.

Keir Starmer, despite being correct on all his points, didn’t lay glove on the shit (personal assessment) Johnson. It seems the lying bastard (World Wide assessment) can spoof as he pleases. SNP Ian Blackford landed a few more punches but with little effect.

As for the other Tory idiots; one conservative MP said the delay in opening up was due to the views of a communist scientist. WTF.

IMHO theTory party are only just getting into their stride, there will be…

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