How long do you need to stop at a stop sign?

In driving terminology it can also mean engaging the gears, sort of. It’s just one of those phrases that isn’t literally translated for the purposes of the Code, like many motoring expressions and in this case means before moving on.

There is no specified counted delay. I’m not interested in playing on words - I rarely post and only did in this instance because there are so many incorrect replies.

So basically, there is a duration of delay @graham

As ever, your logic is irrefutable @graham. It would have been better to state that "there is no specified or indicative period of stoppage time, because that will depend on the unique circumstances of the stop, including the driver’s own judgement and capabilities.

Too long, no doubt: but fundamental to driver training and competence, surely?

Ha ha…:grin::grin: Not in the car world that I come from… :upside_down_face::wink:

We all inhabit the same convoi exceptionel/car/motorbike/ biycle/pedestrian/tractor/harvester/schoolchild/stray animal/chaussée déformée world, Stella. :grinning:

Which is why we never lose sight of the fact that many drivers can’t drive safely, so we must.

Yes, Peter, but we don’t all talk the same language. :upside_down_face::wink:

@Angie_Mountford I wish you the very best of luck explaining that to the policier…
Their word will be final and it may cost you 90€ plus points on your licence for the privilege - or your day in court.

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Is driving a linguistic exercise? Je n’y suis. :thinking::upside_down_face:

I have enjoyed the discussion very much, no matter where it wandered, and I will be telling my husband to stop for 10 seconds minimum when we are back in France in September, because you were unanimous in saying that 10 seconds is correct.

I can try, can’t I?

Just to be clear, we don’t reside in France; we visit. If we were residents I’d have researched this issue long ago.

Thanks, everyone.

I was referring to French terminology obviously :roll_eyes:

@cmartin wrote:

(B)ecause you were unanimous in saying that 10 seconds is correct.

Oh no we weren’t, if you pay closer attention. It’s entirely in the interests of your safety on French roads that we suggest otherwise. :smiley:

As long as you/your husband concentrate on the road conditions and not on counting up to ten. The eleventh second might be your Waterloo. :scream::dizzy_face::face_with_head_bandage:

I got an amende and lost four points for this offence in 2002, Graham. Friday night, on way home from work, my mind on the weekend ahead. Gendarmes generally carry out contrôles at stop junctions, not policiers. I’m fully aware of French traffic law as well as many other aspects of French law. The law does not specify a time delay and that’s it.

Peter, I’m not good with emojis. If I were, I’d have shown tongue in cheek when i said “unanimous.”

My husband is unlikely to believe me anyway.

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And now I’ll leave this post because like most other stuff on this forum, too much nonsense is posted by people who know nothing about French law. Now I remember why I didn’t post previously…

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Sorry if I was pompous there, Carolyn, but road safety worries me and as we know French roads are hazardous (especially in rural areas where many people drive carelessly on narrow roads with many blind spots).

I`m sure you’ll be safe. This topic has sharpened up my own safety awareness!

oh dear…
policier is a general term for Gendarme, Police, CRS and the whole bunch of them.
Someone got out of bed the wrong side this morning :rofl:
As they say, if you can’t stand the heat…

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I did think of this discussion whilst popping to the Boulangerie this morning as I noticed not one single car came to a complete stop at the 2 stop junctions I went through (admittedly not stopping either - both countryside junctions with vast visibility splays) .

I did make me wonder if it would be interesting to carry out a 1 hour survey timing the duration of people’s stop when there was no oncoming traffic… But then I realised I had to get back to stripping wallpaper!

I think the results could be interesting with a very large proportion of people not stopping at all.

:wink::upside_down_face: Stripping was much more fun - I bet … :laughing::smiley::upside_down_face:

According to a friend I am now nearly a pro!

(I don’t think that they meant a pro stripper but not sure)

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We’ve progressed to a steamer, much easier than the sponge and water I used to slosh all over the place…:grin::grin: