How to cut obesity

It was a simple break so no jaw wiring thankfully but I think it’s going to need realignment of some sort as I can’t close my teeth together properly :frowning:

Horrors that is a grim thought :frowning:

I think I can see the day, as in Japan, where it will be an offense for parents to allow children to become obese. Not caring properly for your kids in some areas is already an offense of course, so why shouldn’t letting them become obese also be an offense?

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Not that simplistic though is it…???

When my eldest was 9 months old the “specialists” tried to tell me she needed growth hormones…I refused…30 years later “the specialists” are trying to say the same about my almost 2 year old granddaughter…her mom my daughter has also refused…

All my 4 grandkids from almost 2 to 10 are lithe…I had a friend in Germany whose hubby beat the crap out of her and broke the arm of her/their eldest daughter…he thought his eldest at 6 years old was “too fat”…what a moron and thankfully she left him…

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Of course ,rather than stigmatise and criminalise people they could use the money for education and teaching people about heathy eating


How about…???

“ How 'bout getting off these antibiotics
How 'bout stopping eating when I’m full up
How 'bout them transparent dangling carrots
How 'bout that ever elusive kudo

Thank you India
Thank you terror
Thank you disillusionment
Thank you frailty
Thank you consequence
Thank you thank you silence

How 'bout me not blaming you for everything
How 'bout me enjoying the moment for once
How 'bout how good it feels to finally forgive you
How 'bout grieving it all one at a time

Thank you India
Thank you terror
Thank you disillusionment
Thank you frailty
Thank you consequence
Thank you thank you silence

The moment I let go of it was the moment
I got more than I could handle
The moment I jumped off of it
Was the moment I touched down

How 'bout no longer being masochistic
How 'bout remembering your divinity
How 'bout unabashedly bawling your eyes out
How 'bout not equating death with stopping

Thank you India
Thank you providence
Thank you disillusionment
Thank you nothingness
Thank you clarity
Thank you thank you silence”

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Unfortunately, because of bad parental practices, it probably will become that ‘simplistic’! Obesity is endemic in Britain (don’t mention the U.S.A!) and is becoming a problem here. Parents, quite obviously, are doing a bad job and so, as I have said, I think eventually it will be an offense.

It’s what governments and various organisations have been doing for many years. It simply doesn’t work. Everyone is blamed, Supermarkets, schools and advertising. The culprits, in my view, are solely the parents. Often the parents are overweight and simply pass on their glutinous habits to their children. Most people are overweight, yes most! A huge number are grossly fat yet it is being taken as almost the norm!
A little test for you Nellie! Do you know what your fat percentage should be? Can you stand in front of a mirror and honestly state that you look the right shape without bulges and layers of fat?

No, honestly I don’t want to know and I’m sorry if that sounds personal it simply is a little test. Most people haven’t a clue how much fat they can/should be carrying and I doubt many can do the ‘mirror test’ without feeling slightly embarrassed!
I don’t think it is going to change anytime soon either!

Well… that got me wondering…

I have bulges that I do not like… and favourite clothes which do not fit any longer… (not if I want to eat/breathe)… but… phew… my weight is “normal” !! yippee :upside_down_face::laughing::laughing:

There’s a lot of anger in your posts Kenny, everything okay?

Body fat percentage ranges change with age and are quite different between men and women, I guess most people haven’t a clue what their body fat % should be.

Healthy eating starts at home but peer pressure etc often takes over so you can’t simply blame the parents, being fit should be more important than set parameters of weight or body fat. Many athletes have a BMI of over 25 due to muscle mass but that doesn’t mean they’re not healthy.


Stella, trust me, I know what I’m talking about. Your weight means very little. Just a simple guide. Those bulges are dangerous, get rid of them!

I suppose I could have a tummy-tuck… etc… :wink:

No anger at all Timmy. Your first sentence agrees with me. As for BMI I deliberately didn’t mention it, it has been discredited.

I have said that everyone is blamed for the overweight problem. You simply endorse that view also by laying part of the blame on ‘peers’!

A young child is, or isn’t, controlled by his/her parents. A child cannot get fat unless the parents are complicit, do you disagree with that?

I suspect Timothy that you are somewhat angry, not I !!

Mmmmmmm, but it is cheaper just to cut out the odd biscuits!!!

I am heartily against endless criminalising of behaviours, or making things people’s fault when there are wider and deeper levers at play. That’s not the way to develop society. If governments put the same resources into controlling the quality of food stuffs, advertising, and availability of health advice as they do with other things then the problem would be less.

And as an illustration, if fast food burgers were all limited to 500 calories and x amount of fat, not 1,300 then it would make far less difference if busy mums with little money resorted to giving them to their kids.

Have you ever looked at some of the modern affordable housing being built? The kitchens are about the same size as the toilet.

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My sister was very chubby as a child and teenager whereas I was thin yet we both ate the same food, is that nature or nuture?

I like being called Timmy, makes me feel young again.:grinning:

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Several years ago the Powers that Be went through a phrase of saying my young niece and her friend were obese and if you looked at their weight for their age it was high. What people didn’t take into account was they were tall girls If you looked at the age weight ratio for a couple of years older, which fitted in with their height they were perfect. In fact had they been the right weight for their age they would have looked emaciated and then their parents would have been in trouble the other way

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Is it not the case of just Eat Less, Exercise More?


Exactly Mat, just common sense.

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Not quite that simple, eat better, exercise more is more appropriate for me.