How would you view a murderer's request?

I think your first post on this site being an implied criticism might have rubbed a regular contributor up the wrong way Dermot.

Regarding guidelines, if you were to walk into a dinner party where you knew nobody and immediately started by criticising the menu I suspect you might find regular diners responding in a similar way :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Why not start your own thread on some topic and steer it the way you would like :slightly_smiling_face:


Since you’re still here, at least in account terms (!), welcome.

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The comment ‘another one’ was mine because you aren’t the first to come in in a similar fashion without reading enough to find out that we aren’t all fixated with France and nothing else in the world, thus my reaction was a resigned sigh. Especially as I was the author of the thread and as such took your sarcastic criticism personally.

I nevertheless welcome you if you change your mind and stay. :smiley:


You are, of course, entitled to your opinion, but if everyone took the same view, he would be unable to make a living and would be forced into criminal activity in order to survive, which would be undesirable for the general population.

I was actually thinking :robot:

SF is a meeting place for members who generally have some connection to France, however, nothing in the T&C constrains us to always be talking about how interacting with SOSH or EDF is a frustrating experience.

We are allowed to talk about other things, you know :slight_smile:

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Perhaps someone who arbitrarily decided to end another’s life shouldn’t be part of the general population.

Yes, but the point brought out on the original site, and I think here, was that we don’t know enough about the details. Derek Bentley was mentioned, hanged even though he didn’t actually kill anyone because of the ‘joint enterprise’ rule

I don’t know if this bloke actually murdered someone or if they have joint enterprise in the USA but, in a country where you can be sent to prison for 150 years or suffocated to death, the 13 years that he served seems very light to me, so there may have been other circumstances involved. To then have a 3 year clean parole record followed by a 14 year totally clean one, says to me that he deserves a chance.


Good luck with that.