I hate passwords

I tried with all the screwdrivers we have…what sort of person might have one of these type of screwdrivers? Car enthusiast, plumber, electrician?

Because I am hugely smug I backed up our computer when it started making whimpering sounds…:innocent:

Feel free to be as smug as you like.

The bits usually come in sets like this one. Anyone doing mobile phone repairs or probably your computer guy has the necessary bits.

When you next go to sea …BF…? throw the hard drive overboard, then instead of worrying about data, most of it is probably only relevant to the author anyway, assuming no stored passwords on the hard drive which us silly, you can feel guilty about poluting the ocean!!

I used to have all my passwords written in my code! In my little dogeared blue book. About 2 years ago condensation from a water bottle leaked onto the book and smudged the writing. I managed to get the passwords and was happy using Lastpass, until now. I do have 2 factor identification but reading this it appears it’s not enough! Started by reading other options but they lost me halfway. I am bereft

Hi Sandi and welcome back to SF

We too but have moved over to Bitwarden which is every bit as good (if you pardon the pun!).
If you still have LastPass, you can export the passwords from there to Bitwarden quite simply and it can use what it calls 2 step login to make things even more secure.

ou might find this reference (in another thread) of some help (click on the link):

A recent news item on passwords and online security…

I have never understood why it was supposed to be a good idea to let some online company like google “save” my passwords. :roll_eyes:

To enable them to be migrated to a new phone or computer.