IMHO if Trump wins we're all goosed



G*d help us then… literally.

The US would then truly have a m4dm4n in the White House. And G*d help the rest of the world.

If Biden keeps deteriorating and Trump keeps successfully pushing out his insurrection trial that’s what’s going to happen :frowning:

Not a good time to have a wuss running Germany and a clown as President of the European Commission :frowning::frowning:

Disappointing, incorrect (IMO), and dangerous - but not unexpected.

If Trump wins then the Democrats only have themselves to blame, Biden’s popularity continues to plummet whilst concern over his age grows.


Unfortunately it is too late for the Democrats to switch horses.

Yes, but as with so many US adventures in the last seventy years, it’s others that will pay the price.

Even if Biden was told to stand down on medical grounds?

There must be a provision for a candidate for POTUS to withdraw and a replacement be appointed.

We need a Jack Kennedy.

So many others!

We may not like that the US funds so many things, albeit with strings attached, but imagine what will happen when a president Trump takes control?

We must be seeing the greatest test of survival for democracy since WWII. If it ends here, what will take its place?

The world may soon be run by nationalistic autocrats with iron fisted control within closed borders while they condemn the rest of the world to an unaided ugly fate. I wonder if Xi and Putin are quietly planning who gets what, the way mighty Spain and Portugal carved up much of the known world in the 15-17th century? Which countries and nationals will then be considered extendible?

This does intrigue me when the other candidate is only 3 years younger and is quite clearly confused just about every time he speaks.

Yes he could withdraw - but as this article explains, there isn’t an obvious replacement and the process is fraught with pitfalls:



Expendable? All of them.

A large part of the world has always been run by iron-fisted autocrats with no interest even in their own subjects, other than remaining in charge. As for democracy, I rather suspect it’s a spent force and has been for some time. If we’re lucky it might be replaced by benevolent dictatorships, but that rather goes against human nature which wants to throw off all shackles and restraints.

Apologies for the typo! I’m adjusting to the new experience of required reading glasses :nerd_face:

I really fear you are right about democracy but cannot get out of my head Churchill’s words about it not being perfect but better than the rest. Democracy puts power, or at least a semblance of power sharing, into the hands of individuals. All the others not so much.

I agree with you about benevolent dictatorship. I lived three years in Singapore. Lee Kwan Yew had taken an impoverished and divided colony after the war and essentially made it a strong, proud and safe country. Somewhat rare in Asia. There are compromises on personal freedoms but actions elsewhere in this world have shown that personal freedom often leads to agressive free for all. Singapore is a micro example but worthy study.

Overall, it just makes me sad, rising envy, intolerance, racism and the open expressions of agression. I probably should stop reading things but am not sure that sticking my head in the sand will stop events.


I wonder if any swifties were busted for chewing gum?

I think the gum thing, which launched while I was resident. I could sympathise with the issue

Caning punishment, not so much.

The benevolent dictator is extremely rare. Possibly because absolute power corrupts. I admired LKY but it has somewhat resulted in Singaporeans believing themselves to be superior, and we do know what follows pride…

I listen to the radio when I wake up in the morning and when I go to sleep at night and have recently formed the habit of reaching over to kill the sound as soon as I hear any mention of Trump!

I wish there was an automatic sound-kill on radio and TV at the first sound of his name.

Is that possible you techies?


No, not really. Though I suppose one could code something. I’d like to blank UK weather and all sport except rugby on Radio 4. Maybe Alexa could do it :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

My wife enjoys listening to how bad it is!

She never quite got the hang of living in Cumbria…

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