Is this a rude word in French as well?

A literal translation wouldn’t mean anything to us. Réfléchir de façon innovante et créative, maybe.

The account exec at the agency failed to point out to the copywriter and art director that their enormous billboard would raise a laugh amongst Anglophones.


There’s a decorating business in Bergerac called ‘le vieux pouf’, I did tell him it was sniggerworthy and why.


Hilariously my usually reliable translator offers firstly the correct word in English, ie a certain item of furniture but then says that it is also English slang meaning ‘tart’. :astonished:

Really? Not the way I have always understood it. :rofl:

BTW, regarding Our Souls At Night, I understand that Netflix declined to alter it because they are an American company and American pronunciation does not fit the objection.

Ah yes, mixup, une pouffe or une pouffiasse is a tart, it’s more derogatory than tart though.

:scream::scream::scream: A flan or a strudel even :yum:


snap… I thought… flan… or pasty even :wink: :wink:

Or indeed sharp or acid :wink:

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