It never ceases to amaze me

I think the " lorry" is actually a cab, the tractor unit, and a trailer… two units that went/ came from different places. According to the GPS tracking data the trailer may have made quite a few trips. Maybe several tractors were used.
Not wishing to jump to conclusions but I think it looks like quite a sophisticated operation may have been uncovered by this tragedy.

Careful - there’s far too much speculation on here. Firstly, the lorry driver discovered the bodies, and reported it himself - that’s not the action of a guilty person. Secondly, these now do not appear to be ‘refugees’ from the Middle East - but part of the Chinese/Vietnamese people smuggling racket. The Far East - refugees - really ? With reports of them paying £30,000 to ‘escape’ and come to the UK. Why the UK ? Why not anywhere in the eu ? Or anywhere else ? Interesting to read the ‘assumptions’ being made on here though - most of which would appear to be ‘wrong…’

It’s a public forum, what do you expect?

We can only give opinions on the information available at any given time.

Hi Anne…

Are the police now saying that it was the Driver himself who discovered and reported ??

Most recent still says they are questioning him on suspicion of murder… :thinking:

IIRC the first response was the Ambulance Service… the police were either called by the paramedics on scene who made the terrible discovery or (as is often the case) the AS control room automatically notified the Police they were attending an “incident” at Purfleet involving a container lorry. It was later said that the paramedics received “counselling”.

yes, as I understand things “someone” got the Ambulance Service on-site… and they called the police… must have been an appalling shock for them all…:pensive:

Of course the first response was the Ambulance - but in response to what? ; logic would infer that someone made a call so that the first responders could respond., And all the reports so far refer to the driver himself making the call; he had to enter the container to retrieve some necessary papework. So - who called the first responders ? Secondly, the driver is ‘helping the police with their enquiries’ - used to be the term didn’t it ? Now we have China (China ?!) blaming the UK for this tragedy… How is it the UK’s fault ?

Apparently the ambulance people have received counselling after having witnessed those horrors Stella.
I just cant imagine their feelings when they witnessed that !

I’ve seen a few dead folk, but never in such awful circumstances… yet, I still get the shivers. Those poor folk need all the support they can get.

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Might explain why migrants etc are now targeting Zeebrugge -

they had been robbed of the money paid to sneak accros no doubt, its always money

The thing that always stuck me about the dead (having seen maybe a hundred or so) is how little they look like their living selves. You can really see how the idea of a vital spark or soul took hold. Mostly I’ve not been present at the moment of death - just a handful, those do tend to stay with you though.

39 is a hell of a lot though, in not surprised that the crew needed some emotional support.


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Should the parents of the victims accept some responsibility for what has happened?

Maybe “ you pay your money and take the chance” ?

The more I read about this the more tragic it becomes, for parents to gamble with their own children’s lives in order to give them a better hope of a future just shows how bad things must be in their homeland.


I’ve seen one dead human being in my life and was there in his final moments…my dad…he kissed my mom and me and my sister in his last seconds…

I don’t feel it’s the case that a concept or idea of a vital spark or soul “took hold”…but more that there IS an actual vital force…a source energy that inhabits and animates all living entities…

I agree it is self evident when that “vital force” leaves a physical body and it is difficult for those left behind who witnessed the transition and leaves a lasting emotional scar to be worked through…it does stay with you for a long time afterwards…

I’ve also been with animals in their last moments…I’ve never found that easy either except to whisper to them that it’s ok to let go…

I sat on the bed with my dad after he left his physical body and blew him kisses into the ethers…I still dream about him over 20 years later…in my dreams he is as real as if he had never left…

Yes it’s not surprising that the emergency services are needing councilling…:slightly_frowning_face: