Kitchen cabinet paint

That’s a similar colour to the LM kitchen we put in to the cottage , that I made the extra units for and colour matched, this gives you an idea of how the colour looks.

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Looks really good! Where did you get the handles for the extra units you made?

Leroy’s, only thing I wouldn’t do again is the arch, it took 3 weeks to cut through, I was younger and fitter then :laughing:
We have used that paint on everything, cupboards, doors, stairs, radiators, skirting…


@toryroo , well done with the sample pots at LM. A good omen!

Also love the handles suggested by @Griffin36. It is really coming together.

Looking at the photo you posted, I am wondering. Is the end wall behind the log burner raw brick or tiled? Are you thinking of painting it? Not so hard to mask the stove pipe to protect it from paint. If you paint the wall white it would really help lighten the room + the stove black contrast against the white ground would pop.

Something else that would really lighten and modernise the room would be to white paint the ceiling, beams and all.

Remember to check the white paint you want to match against the existing splash back tiles.

Think if the lovely Easter ahead!
:tulip: :tulip: :tulip:

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They are awful and YES I asked advice ages ago, I think before you were posting

Sorry ignore, I didn’t even put up a picture!

Here is how awful it is :roll_eyes:

Please help !!!

Calling @Badger woop woop code 1 emergency re-wire required in Département 72

Kitchen looks good though.




I see the same problem with the sink as I had with the original in my place.

Because the sink is not set into a full width w/top with a cut-out but has a gap at each end, water inevitably gets down the gap at the ends of the drainers. The result, with me, was that the bases of the units - the sink unit and the one either side of - were completely rotted out and had not collapsed on account of being held up by plumbing!

It took some years to get to this state but the process will begin with the first splosh that goes down the gap. You don’t want it to even start.

Ise Griff36’s sink is installed the same way.

Every now and again it’s inevitable that a great swoosh of water is going to flood across the end of the drainer and a lot of it will turn south, down the gap. You might not even notice it happening.

Maybe these gaps are sealed. I don’t see that they are. The upstands at the ends, in Tory’s case, will help but water in those gaps must end up somewhere on the floor.


True. I had stainless on the hob side of a kitchen. Impossible to avoid scratches and smearing. Recommended only for top-level hygiene installations.


The photographer in this case apologised for the quality of the photo but you can see that the pipes are black.

I’ll ask about the material.

As for ‘a myth’ I think not. A black body absorbs more IR than a body of any other colour. When the temp of the body is higher than ambient it radiates IR back into the cosmos. If a black body has absorbed more heat than, say, a white or ‘silver’ [raw steel, like @toryroo’s ] it will give back more of what the stove produced by way of exhaust gas heat than the steel one [until both are at ambient]

Virtually all these stoves are black and that’s one reason why.

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Hmmm, work in progress, hopefully.

Someone needs to get ENEDIS to put a Linky in & get rid of that ancient main disjoncteur.

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Probably black to give off more heat but think that turned out to be a myth.
Is it paint or vitrified enamel?

Yes strictly in science terms its true, certainly absorbs more radiation if left in the sun for instance but in radiating the heat back the difference is very minor so not worth upsetting the lady of the house with an ugly black pipe when any other colour gives off almost (1% is a small difference) as much. Highly polished or chrome are the worst for giving off heat.

This was during the running of the new cables to the meter and new trip boxes went in ripping all the old stuff out, the cottage used hemp and tar covered wires so everything was renewed/rewired.

I would never have guessed… :roll_eyes:

It was a mess, only one earth wasn’t corroded through and the new one he had installed in the barn was sunk into concrete not the ground.

Our sink has neoprene seals between the sink and the worktops/wall.
The sink was like new so I wasn’t binning it and I like it, they left us a new one they were going to put in but it is going into the stables once I finish cutting the new doorways through the 20" 17th century concrete walls. :yum:


I do hope you wear a bone dome. My friend Jorgen was pulling a nail out of a beam overhead. The nail gave way and the wrecking bar speared straight down into his head. He looks remarkably cheerful about the result.

A cable seems to have sprung out of the hole! :smile:

The much-vaunted Danish health system seems to have slipped a bit. He waited 2+ hrs to be seen. Better than UK I think


“Right!” said Fred, "I gotta sorta feelin’
If we remove the ceilin’
With a rope or two
We can get the blighter thru’ "

He 'ops up on the ladder
And gives a mighty blow …

Was 'e in trouble
'arf a ton a rubble
Came down on the top of 'is 'ead!

So Charlie and me 'ad anuvva cuppa tea
And then
We went 'ome.

Addendum. {Sociology Dept] Friends of my parents would not allow their daughters to listen to this song - a dash to turn the radio off on the first "Right!," said Fred’ because of the word ‘blighter’.

The same thing applied in our house with 'My Old Man’s A Dustman’. Reference to “Wears Cor Blimey trousers and lives in a council flat” was just too much for my mother.

We never got to see all of the very first episode of ‘Z Cars’ because the opening scene, the kitchen of the house of Desk Sgt Lynch, he being seated having breakfast, featured the table with milk in the bottle, not in a jug! My mother leapt up and turned the TV off.

“We are not going to sit and watch that rubbish!”

But we learned to live with scenes featuring milk bottle and ketchup on kitchen tables. … and a great deal more besides.


On the other side of the wooden beam you see, is a metal girder that runs along the top of the wall, I am taking the wall away up to that as the building was heightened by 3ft in the 19th century.
It used to be a 3 story house, two story stone, one story wood, a fire burnt the top part off and the ground story was buried under ground with the waste earth, when they enlarged the moat from the castle, it is just a one story stable now, the cottages cave used to be it’s ground floor, the old front door is 10ft underground, it’s complicated :yum::laughing:
The metal beams on the on the other side of the wall that form the ceiling, are tracks from a tram way that used to go along the back of our land between the two villages, the farmers wasted nothing :sunglasses: