Large bales of straw/hay wanted

Can someone suggest where i can buy some bales to use as seating at a wedding in september at Margueron 33220.

Intermarché??? :smile::joy::joy:

Sorry - only kidding. Try a local farmer - maybe…

Joan, try leboncoin in the materuel agricole section. Straw and hay seem to be coming up for sale a lot recently. I guess now that the worst of the winter is behind us, farmers want the barn space.

Hi guys. Thanks for the comments. Thing is i dont live here now and dont really know who to approach. It would appear that most farmers make big round bales not suitable for seating.

Yes, quite possibly they are into the huge cotton-reel type of bale… whereas I suppose you are looking for the rectangular, reasonably sized ones…

I think you will have to leave it to a local to sort this out, as you no longer live here… must be difficult at long-distance…:zipper_mouth_face:

Joan - put an ad on Leboncoin asking for squared / rectangular bales.

Hi Joan,
You do see the small bales from time to time. Many farmers still have the baler to do it. We have made our own in recent years. There is a great sense of satisfaction when the hay is in the barn, but it is so labour intensive, I’m getting too old to do it! Last year I was still baling at 2200hrs one evening as rain was forecast. When you think that you have to cut it one day. Turn it the next or maybe the same day if hot enough, then row it up and then bale it. Finally, the hardest job, getting it in from the fields, all in hot weather!
If you do find a local farmer that will do it for you (my first port of call would be to ask at your local Mairie), ask them to make heavy bales. The heavier they are, the tighter the bale and will be better for seating. I generally make bales around 25kg.
I just looked on leboncoin. There is a farmer in your area at Fougueyrolles that is selling small bales of hay (foin) between 12-15kg for €2 a bale. It would be worth contacting him to ask him to make you some. If you wanted straw ask him for bottes de paille.

:hugs::hugs: I rather hope the wedding has taken place by now… :hugs::hugs: but your advice is still worthwhile for others… :relaxed::relaxed:

Oooh yes! I didn’t look at the date! lol

Yes, I did know about that guy selling 12-15 kgs of 12 Euros (read something on . I didn’t know about leboncoin however, so thanks for sharing it.

hello Rafael and welcome to the forum…

@rafaelsolano … le bon coin is useful for so many things… :grinning: