Les Plus Laids Villages De France

Agree with Le Havre and Toulon.
Definitely don’t agree with Limoges tho.
I think Mont de Marsan and La Roche Sur Yonne should be added to the ‘moche’ list.

Ah, but is the station sufficient to save Limoges from inclusion?

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The station plus gardens and fountains etc But Limoges boasts some brilliant art deco buildings and the Rue des Bouchers is ok.

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Les plus moches villages… it’s only touristy-hype to get people talking/discussing/visiting… :rofl: :wink:

Don’t agree with Tours, a great stop off for us on the way to/from Cherbourg with a nice town centre and a hotel in the very centre with a real 1930s style garage :slightly_smiling_face: Don’t agree with Marseilles, not since the did the harbour up. Don’t agree with Limoges. Do (probably) agree with Saint-Etienne and Clermont-Ferrand (though handy if you need a new set tyres) Agree with Le Havre, Dunkerque and Toulon. Never heard of Roubaix (though their cube was once very popular, as were they’re Tuesdays :face_with_hand_over_mouth:), Dambach-la-Ville, Montalieu-Vercieu nor Migné-Auxances. They all seem safely far away from me. And I make a point on never saying Nevers. Though we have also stayed there en route to Cherbourg.

Speaking of which, I’m so fed up of the Cherbourg to home drive that I’m getting the ferry to Bilbao on Friday instead and driving 900km west instead of 1,250 south :slightly_smiling_face:

That may be a difficult drive if the last 600kms or so are in the North Atlantic! :slight_smile:

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:joy: True, thank goodness I’ve satnav. I’m not safe on my own. I originally wrote west-east and then erased the wrong one.

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Please, everyone… the moche-list is not of my making… :rofl: :rofl:
and, in fact, the places named see it as an achievement … :rofl:

as I’ve said before… we all have different likes and dislikes…
Frankly, I love nearly everywhere in France… even without my rosetinted specs… :wink:

Uh-Oh John. We often thought of doing the same but Bilbao is a long, long time trapped on a boat. And apparently the Bay of Biscay can have some very nasty weather so let’s hope you don’t come across any.

But we were always tempted as it was half the km’'s after getting off the boat snd we also felt coming South to less South the food would be better on the journey than a full journey starting from the North.

EDIT Why not do tapas in San Sebastian and maybe route via Biarritz on your way back? It’s only a slight detour :slight_smile: and Marriott haa just completely refurbed the Hotel du Palais


:face_with_hand_over_mouth: Yes, my wife’s a Stugeron sailor and wisely decided to take a rain cheque on this two nights onboard voyage. I, clutching my Day Skipper certificate will battles the seas alone :face_with_peeking_eye: I been through quite a few force 10s so it doesn’t really worry me. The first was in 1982 when we were hove to off lands’ End and trucks fell over on the car deck. The had to b bulldozed off when we docked.

I stayed in Biarritz In 2014 in some frighteningly expensive hotel on the beach. The Hotel de Palais looks lovely but I wouldn’t stay there on my own.

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That’s weird, I find it’s more the other way round! Must be a regional thing, for both countries. Or maybe just depends on the personalities of the people involved. :thinking:

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