Thanks, but still not clear. Is it only the last figure that counts (4th trimestre) or the figure shown for each timestre (accumulated trimestres) needs to be reached?
In my document attached just above, only the annual figure is given.
Or you mean 2 or 3 trimestres counts for a pension even if you fail to reach the annual amount (but obviously at a lower amount of pension)?
Your pension is accrued in trimestres. You can validate a maximum of 4 trimestres in a year. But it is not unusual for a person to validate 1, 2 or 3 trimestres some years eg if their self employed earnings are low, or they have a job for a few months and don’t work for the rest of the year.
OK, Thanks.
So the table shown earlier in the post is better than mine which only shows the annual amount?
But this chart indicates that it’s better when you declare more at the beginning of the year than at the end of the year?
Here is a succinct explanation of the perceived misunderstandings around pension trimesters.
I did not really understand what your chart is for.
Where does it suggest that it make a difference how your turnover is spread over the year?
Maybe this should be directed at PBS?
I retired long ago…
Indeed, sorry !
It’s the first chart nearer the beginning of the post that has confused me because it shows figures per trimestre.
So the calculation is always at the end of the year, right?
In theory if you can find all the needed figures used in my chart for past years you can work out how many trimestres you got in past years.
You need to reach a certain threshold by 31st Dec in order to validate one trimestre for that year.
Earn twice that threshold and you validate 2 trimestres.
Ditto 3 and 4.
That is what the chart is telling you.
Of course it shows figures per trimestre because that is what you are validating.
I do not know how to say it any plainer. It seems entirely logical to me.
It is reset on 1st Jan each year.
The number of trimestres validated usually show up on your career record the following Feb or March when the calculations have been processed.
Have you looked at your career record on assuranceretraite? It should all be set out there year by year, how much you earned and how many trimestres you validated.
Obviously the thresholds change each year.
I’m also going to have a pittance of a French state pension, which is why I paid for 10 years of UK pension contributions for the years I was in France and self-employed (worked out quite cheaply), and have been paying contributions since then, accumulated to what I had before leaving the UK.
If I get anything from a French pension it will be a bonus. Voluntary contributions are so expensive I found it better to try and invest in something else, and hope to live long enough to draw a UK pension.