Minister suspended after "grabbing" activist - How would you react?

I did not misunderstand, I didn’t like the implication that Theresa was saying what she did only because she supports climate change.

Who supports climate change?

I’m afraid you did misunderstand. I asked in a previous post if the ends always justified the means. The post you commented on was me asking IF the ends justifies the means is that the same for something you don’t support. Not specifically climate change. If you think the ends justify the means with regards to climate change-would you give the same leeway to someone protesting about something you don’t support.


I did not see your previous post.
My comments stand, except I should have said for supporting activists against climate change.

I saw an interview with her, she’s been a Greenpeace activist for 20 years so is used to adverse reactions, ironically her treatment by Field has probably helped the cause which wouldn’t have happened if she had been quietly led away by security.


You have totally lost me again Jane…would you like to copy on here where Theresa says she supports climate change ?

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Please see my above post, where I corrected my mistake.
This man acted like a thug for all to see, no need for any provocative questions.

Jane your posts are often difficult to follow, for example this latest one below! I don’t want to have to scroll through all your (or anyones) posts to make sense of what you are ‘getting at’ it makes the post/thread too fractured …


Jane Williamson

Please see my above post, where I corrected my mistake.
This man acted like a thug for all to see, no need for any provocative questions.

As far as I can see nobody has yet mentioned that only a month previous Mark Field made a public speech decrying the use of violence against climate change protesters…


Sometimes for meaningful change to happen one has to be in the wrong, at least for a little while until it becomes right.


A significant observation from @DrMarkH.

I don’t think that Foster was violent, in the ordinary meaning of the word.

He was physically forceful, but his actions were controlled as well as controlling. And he did not IMO lose control of himself or his purpose, which was to remove what he perceived as a threat.

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Typical modern Tory.

I take your point, but the difference between ‘violent’ and ‘controlling’ can be quite subtle.

More importantly, I’d suggest that his obvious red-faced, gammonesque rage was an indication that he wasn’t really ‘in control’; instead it provided an interesting contrast to the non-aggressive (albeit, presumably highly trained) passivity of the protester. Basically, the lady done well and he was stupid enough to overreact.

If you don’t believe this reading, watch the video at:-


It is best to watch the longer video which shows from start to finish… rather than a 32 second glimpse.

Thanks, link?

At the top of this thread :wink:

Quite an interesting link here

Thanks, but unfortunately the (or maybe my) video link isn’t working.

Nevertheless, it seems an example of middle-aged, over-weight be-suited Tory men forcefully imposing their will on younger women.

Boris who? :neutral_face:

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I do think your description of Mr Foster leans towards the tendentious, Mark. What does his age, his weight or his suit have to do with anything?

If I were to describe the intruder as a rather plump, thirty-ish woman, wearing a low-cut, close-fitting and sleeveless crimson party-dress, would that do her or the truth of the situation any favours?

And, yes, Boris who? :smiley:

Having watched several video edits etc… I think it is quite clear that the “ruddy glow” on the MP’s face is due to the lighting from the sides. Each pillar seems to have its own spot. The MP’s colour changes depending on which angle the lighting hits him - same with everything else in shot.