Minister suspended after "grabbing" activist - How would you react?

This woman could have been a suicide bomber. Nobody could tell what her intentions were. Mr. Field was a brave man.

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I think it was pretty obvious she wasn’t wearing a suicide vest or belt, and no backpack to fit any devices in. They were just heckling…so personally I think he was a very foolish man not to have been able to assess the situation more accurately. Was this an after dinner speech by any chance?


Jane, did you notice that the other women simply ignored/pushed/walked past the men on the opposite side of the room - men who waved their arms and asked the ladies to stop/go away.

This chap stopped this lady in her tracks and removed her from the vicinity.

For the life of me, I really cannot see anything wrong/abhorrent in his actions.

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Because trespass is only a criminal offence if property is damaged.

“Was this an after dinner speech by any chance?”

What is your point?

In my opinion he was heavy handed.
But we all see things from a different perspective and my natural bias against any government using force to impose their will on citizens probably makes me eminently suitable to live in France.

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As you say - we all see things differently - life would be very dull if we were all clones. :rofl::relaxed:

Of course he will have his Twitter account trawled through now though.

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No it is not. Trespass is : enter without permission, intrude on, encroach on, invade, infringe, impinge on.
Trespassers wont be prosecuted, at the most issued with an infrngement order. So my comment about charging her was practically wrong, i do apologise. If damage is caused then that is another kettle of fish.

Unfortunately if the Luvvies, the wussie’s and the PC brigade get their way that is what will happen.

Proud to be a luvvie when it comes to things more important than a bankers dinner. Which incidentally probably wouldn’t be as grand if every taxpayer in the uk hadn’t bailed half of them out.

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In my opinion, he used reasonable force. So what is the big deal. We dont know if they were told to leave prior to yer one getting the heave-ho. I agree there are things much more important than fat bankers slap-ups but proud to be a luvvie, mm i dont know. Each to their own. It is still a free world

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At the end of the day, if the politicians put the same amount of energy into the politics as MP Fields did into evicting the lady in red from the dinner party, things would look a lot different.

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In which case Mr Field’s intervention would probably made it more likely she would carry out her mission.

yes, but she would (perhaps/presumably) be foiled from injuring her “target” :zipper_mouth_face:

Taking your words slightly askance/light-heartdly - Are we meant to watch a possible suicide bomber walk on by (while we breathe a sigh of relief) - :zipper_mouth_face:

[quote=“Sytky, post:73, topic:26173, full:true”]… but proud to be a luvvie, mm i dont know.

I once joined a very seriously committed amateur theatre company in sub-Saharan Africa and sweated under the spots many a sweltering evening, to huge acclaim.

There came a time when the Director began to call me “Peter Luvvie” and I have never got over the rush of really really belonging and being seen as an actor in my own right . :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

So don’t knock it, Luvvie!:rage::sweat_smile:

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I ain’t half hot mum! I know, wrong continent :wink:


“Oh don’t remind me, daaaaarling…!” :rofl:

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Today, it is hot, hot, hot and I feel the need for a little light relief…

Having attended many black tie dinners of MPs, city business people and the like I have direct experience of the loosening of normal standards as the night progresses and the levels in the bottles drop. Mansion House dinners are usually more sober events, but even so.