Modification of address

We have recently had our address modified. Collected our house number from La mairie and an attestation of the new address. It was changed from a Lieu Dit to an Impasse. So far I have notified most of the people who need to know, apart from Carte de Sejour (Residence Permit). It seems that to modify an address for the Residence Permit I need to apply for a new card, with new photos and pay. If this is the case has anyone else found this to be so. Be glad to have any advice. Thank you.

There’s another thread which talks its way through…
it all depends on the type of CdS you hold… if you have CdSWA there is no need…

@Janet just click on the link and read the bumpf which follows-on…

When our address was changed I asked the maire about updating all the various French admin stuff, e.g. CDS, Carte Gris, D/Licence etc. He quite catagorically said only to make the amendement when those things are due for renewal, otherwise the French fonctionnaires would be overwhelmend by the demand, as this is happening all over rural France.

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Our lane was named for the first time and our number (we didn’t have one before) attached to our boite without any prior warning. I think I found at the time one link on line that changed all the utilities automatically. We had to do nothing else but I did change which has made non postal deliveries much more certain… :smiley:

Yes, when we bought our house in 2004 (which had been there for decades) there was no address but letters still arrived. Some years later the house was allocated a number based on its distance from the nearest junction.

Happily, as an admirer of Guy Gibson, our number is 617. Yet, I have resisted the temptation to name the house Dambusters or even Pathfinders.

But what have you called your dog? :smile:


I reckon our Mairie had seen this publication: Réponse du Ministère de l’intérieur
publiée dans le JO Sénat du 17/01/2013 - page 196

"Pour les habitants concernés possédant un véhicule, l’article R. 322-7 du code de la route précise que tout propriétaire d’un véhicule soumis à immatriculation doit adresser, dans le mois qui suit le changement de domicile, une déclaration au préfet du département de son choix l’informant de ce changement. L’absence de déclaration ou le non-respect du délai prévu expose le propriétaire du véhicule à une amende correspondant aux contraventions de quatrième classe. Si un changement de dénomination d’une voie n’implique pas stricto sensu un changement de domicile, il faut néanmoins déclarer auprès du préfet de département de son choix une modification des données du certificat d’immatriculation dont fait partie l’adresse, en vertu de l’article 15 de l’arrêté du 9 février 2009 relatif aux modalités d’immatriculation des véhicules. La personne peut effectuer cette démarche auprès de la préfecture ou, pour les titulaires d’un certificat d’immatriculation comportant le nouveau format d’immatriculation attribué à titre définitif prévu à l’article R. 322-2 du code la route, par voie électronique. Le certificat d’immatriculation d’un véhicule doit donc obligatoirement être modifié… "

As they gave everyone strict instructions: If you own a car… you must notify the Carte Grise folk of the “modification” to the address…

Four times I have applied to the ANTS since last summer for a change of address sticker, still nothing heard from them. It was so much easier going to the local prefecture in the olden days and coming out with a new CG.

I do have CdsWA but I still can’t find out where it says I don’t need to change the address if it’s a modification. For us modifiication of several other organisations was straightforward. La mairie gave us a “fiche memo” on how to go about it. vosdroits/R11193. All very helpful. Just still trying to find out about Residence Permit. Thank you to all who responded, People are kind.

Local garages can send off your carte for a change of address - Ours charged us 5 euros and we received it back in under 2 weeks.

I have found two references - not sure if they have already been mentioned…

It is done on line.

Janet, click on the Gov UK link (which includes updates as at June 2022)… and scroll down…


Thank you so much Stella. I thought you would know where to find the info.

I’m curious, Graham’s references refer to a cost of 25 euro, thought the site referenced by @stella states a change of address is free (withdawal agreement card). I presume it is free, for the sake of clarity can someone confirm / state the process - the UK site takes one to the France portal which immediately asks to enter the card number (?) - which I’m not yet ready to do.

From my scant knowledge of the subject, @stella posts that thereis no need to change the card (if its only a renaming/restructuring of the commune/registered address) but from memory, I think there is a charge if you have lost the card and have to ask for a replacement. Normal renewals (of WARP cards) are foc IIRC when they expire.

Thanks Graham, though I’m checking my understanding when I move location in France I have to exchange the card for a new one (and that wouldn’t cost - or would at 25 euro each move…)

You’ve just made me think though, if card is lost - how to get the card number - cue some scanning and photography!

This is the pertinent bit… about modification/change of details on CdSWA

When the CdS was delivered… it had an A4 piece of paper which bears all the info which relates to you… and such info as is on the card itself.
My piece of paper is carefully stored… if I lose my CdS I will apply for replacement and enclose a copy of that document and/or use the details on it… not had to do that yet, so not sure how it works… but it will be Free as it’s a WA card… hurrah.

Thanks, yes I saw that and followed the link, which requested the card number…

I shall report back when the move is completed.

edit - now seen the rest of your post scrolling down - yes, I remember now the A4 letters they are / were stuck to - which I have, cheers!


We moved recently from a rented property to a house we purchased. Did the change of address for the carte de sejour on-line. No new photos requested but had to buy a 25 timbre when we collected in Tours

Yes, the change would have been Free if you held the earlier CdSWA…
Arriving in France in 2022, was a little too late for that benefit…