Moles in gardens

Trust me, I’m useless…

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What is a detailed?

What is le detauper…is it mechanical and if so how do you use it?

It is a small electromechanical device containing a mechanical trigger attached to an electrical circuit that sends an electrical signal to an explosive capsule (via a wire) to detonate the capsule underground. Basically, you stick the battery powered circuit holder near a mole hole, feed an explosive capsule into the tunnel, connect it up to the power feed of the circuit holder, set the trigger (which is a thin metal rod with a plastic weight on the end) in the hole so that when the mole digs, it pushes earth up thereby moving the rod upwards to make an electrical connection within the circuit, and then prime the circuit to go off.

Don’t be near it when it does, otherwise your ears will let you know it was a bad idea…

For the squeamish, look away now.
Either the explosion and pressure wave rupture the moles eardrums, and blood vessels, causing it to die, or if it is luckier, it is simply frightened away for a while.

The newer petards now contain a couple of flechettes to make them a bit deadlier.

This is turning into a horror story! The poor little buggers aren’t that bad, are they?

Yes !!!

What next? Novichok? Zyklon B?

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the nuclear option image image


How do they think they will sell moleycides with this charming portrait of the Little Gentleman in a Velvet Coat?


If you don’t want to blow them up (and avoid any collateral damage to self or loved ones) try a Chasse les Taupes. I’ve been using it for the past nine years, it’s eco friendly and costs about 16€ from farmers’ co-ops.

When the first molehills appear in the Spring, put a capful of the strange smelling crystals down each hole and the smell drives the moles away. I don’t have immediate neighbours so don’t know to where they relocate.

It seems that castor oil is a good repellent and is an ingredient of many commercial products. You can find recipes online if you are inclined to DIY.
Someone suggested coffee grounds. I may try that.

The main problem is that they take so many to make a waistcoat or trousers.


Our mole catcher said that he doesn’t bother collecting the dead ones any more as the market for the pelts has all but disappeared.

Attila the Hun wore clothes made of mouse-skins, all sewn together - he wasn’t a very big man I suppose.

Has anyone else tried them with a little garlic and a drizzle of melted butter = delicious but quite earthy.


Can you recommend a good wine to go with that @Mat_Davies and will @Jane_Williamson include this in her repertoire?

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Sorry, that one has evaded me so far.
The ground is too hard in our garden, they will have retreated into the fields.