Moving: First Things First?

Thanks @JaneJones and I did make that point in the Revolut Community post.
I guess the only way to find out is when an account is moved to the Revolut Bank structure and see if it then becomes acceptable.

CrĂ©dit Agricole’s Britline is very helpful


As I’ve said before I think, Ameli is the only site that I’ve come across these days that will only accept FR or MC IBANS, and then I suspect if you write or call and complain to them they have a way to override it at their end (I think I read about that but have no idea where it was), I’m sure there are others but suspect they are, at this point by-passable too. Tbh I think at this point we make far too much of the need for a french bank account in 2022 because when we all moved it really was essential. Everyone, from government services as we all know, to the utility companies to the banks have been massively upgrading their systems over the past 4 or 5 years so I think what literally wasn’t possible before now is. The only two advantages I could imagine are branches and cheques, and I think they’re both luxuries rather than necessities really, if it suits your lifestyle better then great, but otherwise you can get along fine. There will of course be cases that prove me wrong, but honestly my french account sits there doing nothing and has done so since 6 months or so after I moved. It’s the only account I pay for out of the dozens I have (as I’ve mentioned before I’m a fintech fan so like to try all the new products) and it’s the only one I really get zero value from, so I should probably do something about that money wasted :roll_eyes::joy:)

It’s worth remembering that France has non bank products, things like Nickel, Lydia, Max, which will give an IBAN but not cost anything or be a bank, allowing someone to use something like Revolut full time as a primary bank but have something for Ameli funds to go into if need be.


I think you will find Bellac has several banks
 so it’s very much take your pick.

Across France, many are happy with on-line Banks but we’ve found it useful to have a bank which we can walk into
 and deal with folk face to face
 and which is not too far away.

Credit Agricole works for us

We have been with Credit Agricole for more than 20 years with no problems
 but things can vary from Branch to Branch, as with any Bank

The sales maxim “people buy from people” is very much in evidence when it comes to banking (anywhere).
There are so many brands to choose from and in the end, much may well depend on individual user experience.
Remember that changing banks is a straightforward affair and if your initial choice doesn’t work well for you, seek an alternative.

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Someone else has reply in the tpic on The Revolut Community

I switched to revolut bank before but it did not change anything except for the guarantee of the money I think.

As Frank say they are currently working on French IBAN (some users already got it).
I did not have any trouble for LT IBAN except for sĂ©curitĂ© sociale (but it’s probably more an technic incompatibility).

Fortuneo and Bursorama are zero fee online banks and both have good ratings. We’ve been using Fortuneo for 2 years now and have had no problems. THE catch is that you must set up the account with a deposit and that deposit must come from a French bank account. So, there is no avoiding a bricks and mortar bank at the start of your French adventure.

I tried to convince Ameli to pay into non-Fr bank account, but to no avail. There might be a way around it if you have an odd domicile / family situation, but the fact that I was living in France and working for a French company didn’t help my case. Sometimes the systùme D works and sometimes it doesn’t

That is another important thing to learn, the systĂšme D. Maybe you know of it from Anthony Bourdain fame.

Thanks @RicePudding , that is very helpful info. Appreciated.

In our case it was the other way round. The notary didn’t require it, but Fabien needed an notice of the completed sale from the notary before I could do the insurance, which took a few days because of a weekend in between, which was worrying!

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