Mucky stove

Forgive my asking, are you a sweep? I ask because we had planned go invite our English sweep out to stay in our gite in return for sweeping the chimneys, but he said that, despite his UK certification (HETAS) our French insurers wouldn’t accept his work- and this was pre-Brexit!

Why not ask a French sweep>

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Of course we don’t have chimney-sweeps in France, ‘ramonage’ actually means ramen-maker.

“UK certification” it is the same for lots of things, qualifications don’t necessarily cross borders successfully, ask Tory about midwifery.

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Phew I wouldn’t think a brush that size would be at all comfy😳

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Have been called many things but not a sweep🤣
All approved by our insurers though.
You need to be aware that your friend the sweep cannot work in France or the wider EU post Brexshit anyway.

What is a normal price to pay per chimney for a sweep and inspection?
My place has several and I would like to start out the season fresh and knowing that they are in good shape.
The previous owner assured me that three of the fireplaces were good to go but that they never used the other.

I think we paid about 80euros. The stove was taken outside and throughly degunked, and the chimney brushed and vacumed (sp)
Attestation given.
I believe prices can vary :woman_shrugging:

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Willow pattern?

Eternal Beau!

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