Musing about cucumbers

Just wondering where you are buying a 29p cucumber. I paid 55p in my nearest Morrison’s in the East Midlands.
Izzy x

I’m not in the UK. It was a friend’s daughter who was buying one in South Wales.

43p in Tesco

It’s often struck me that cucumbers in the local supermarché are a) offered for sale in very small numbers, b) more seasonal than I’d expect, c) more expensive than I’d expect and d) often sad and dehydrated by the time I’m thinking of buying them.

Maybe Brittany just doesn’t “do” cucumber :slight_smile:

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No it is because they are odious and should be ostracised by other salady things and never be added into other things except raita. But they are ok by themselves as eg oisobagi or pickles.


While we are talking about fruit and veg what happened to psycho potato woman?

I think that France doesn’t “do” cucumber, other than a specific cucumber dish, as confirmed by most of the posts on this thread.

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I was just wondering the same thing… phew… wasn’t sure if it was real or if I was still slightly tipsy from a delicious lunch in Perigueux…

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If france doesn’t do cucumber, why do the shops sell it?

possibly to please their foreign clients…

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Our French friends do cucumber, just not in sandwiches. Peeled and chopped as a side salad, in cucumber dishes like raïta, pickled and as a soup. And our local turkish community get through loads, generally lightly picked (and the small ridge cucumbers which much cheaper and nicer!)

My cucumber revelation a few years back was not to store them in the fridge. We now have a bowl in the garage and they last so much better. Why did my mother never tell me this?

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The same could be said for sweetcorn (maize) used to be pig food but now in tins. Best avoided anyway imo.

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Roasted and turned into a slightly spiced soup….lovely and digestible.

(Pigs get corn, not sweetcorn - very different).

Trying to get the O/H to do the same, turns squidgy and nasty in the fridge especially if it touches the cold plate at the back.
Why is veg and salad put in the bottom of a fridge, its the coldest part and spoils things, better at the top but its become convention.

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N’importe quoi ! Les francais mangent les concombres crus, cuits, en soupe, et meme en sandwich !!! Q uelle drole d’idee vous avez de nos habitudes alimentaires !?
Epouse de Florian et je suis francaise.


And all scottish people eat haggis?


Desolee mais c’est comme ca !!!

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Not in all fridges. Well designed ones keep the ‘salad drawer’ a little warmer than the rest. In my fridge, the main space is 4°C whereas the salad drawer is 8°C.


Mouais. Perso moins j’en mange mieux je me porte, et s’il m’arrive d’en manger ce n’est surtout pas mélangés avec autre chose (genre partie constituante de salade mixte, en sandwich, farcis, beurk), à part en preparations type raita, tzatziki etc. Et tout seul ça va aussi.
Chacun son truc.

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43p in Lidl’s today, but they are small ones.

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It’s time to address the Cucumbrine Elephant In The Room: cucumbers bought in the UK are stiff and firm, but French cucumbers are soft and floppy.

Is this because of the varieties grown, storage conditions or… something else?