New ANTS car transfer app

Stella, yes, I should apologise. Mine is also my LMI and difficult to comprehend those who can manage without!

I also must confess that my girlfriend - a past French equestrian championne - finds the smartfone, along with manual gearbox operation, challenging! But she can work wonders with an obstinate horse! I would not have her any other way :rofl:


World of Zombies…anyone see the video footage of the New Year countdown in Paris…everyone with their dumb phones raised filming it…thousands of them…and when the New Year arrived, they continued filming…zombies…so be it … the world of smartphones.

It’s like a lot of things. It’s how the owner uses it that counts. True, it can be addictive like other things too.

[quote=“StirlingMouse, post:22, topic:46284”]
World of Zombies

I’m more a plants vs zombies man myself. Though only the original game from a decade or so ago. I got all the way to the end.

I confess despite having worked in IT for many years and generally consider myself fairly IT savvy I have avoided putting my life on my phone.

Time and time again Android especially has proved it’s not really a secure enough platform. iOS is better (but then, Apple) but not foolproof.

Also anything which needs an account on an internet server somewhere is another security disaster in the making, another leaky bucket for personal data and easy for the manufacturer to control the device after you paid for it, change it’s functionality (not always for the better) or just stop supporting it to force you to buy the latest and greatest.

Just call me

Billy the luddite Butcher.

Pretty much the same for me. Been in the business since the mid 80’s starting in telecoms and then onto set top boxes and other miscelany. I only got my first mobile phone when I retired in 2018, and now only use it (Android) for phone calls, some internet and a few apps such as Visorando for walking, BirdNET and a few others. I also have a tablet now, which is great for reading Survive France in bed in the morning with a cup of coffee :coffee:. Don’t do social media.

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The luddites are sadly misrepresented. They weren’t against technology as such, just against shitty employment practices. Which, ironically enough, all the “resource actioned” dick heads who thought they were on the pigs back with Google, Meta, etc. are now finding out. Free cappuccinos and a couch to chill out on are no substitute for secure employment and a defined benefit pension.

Apple software certainly has its faults, but Android is a curate’s egg, just like forked UNIX was, it’s cobbled together. I wouldn’t dream of using it for anything sensitive.

Billy, I suspect you, like me, could write a bloody OS if we so inclined (the kernel anyway) but I do have (semi) confidence in Apple’s OS’s so no need at the moment :face_with_hand_over_mouth:. Though I did write a few utilities in my day. I was once dragooned as a shy programmer into visiting an actual client and when we were introduced he said… ahh, scullytest, as our kindly engineering director had christened my little suit of low level diagnostics.

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I did once, sort of. Admittedly only in a Uni lab but it worked.

It was our “real time” lab - the idea was to get a PC (well, an Apricot F2 - ghastly device) to run several little programs (you’d call them apps these days) - bean counter/sorter, something to do file transfer down a serial line, little “window system” to display al the outputs. Also I think there might have been a little optical character recognition widget using a small array of photo-transistors plus a couple of things I don’t recall.

Anyway the actual “multi tasking OS” bit was deemed too complex** to be done as part of the lab and we were told to use a chunk of 8086 assembly written by some previous year’s team. The whole thing was supposed to be written as a monolithic program with the “main loop” of each task specified as a co-routine to the “kernel”.

I took one look at the assembler code in question and barfed so decided I’d re-write it. I took all of the MS-DOS calls and replaced them with multitasking versions, then had a little task switcher on a timer interrupt. There was no reentrancy to the MS-DOS bits or emulations thereof.

The result was that we could load up and run just about any DOS program, as long as it did not use too much memory. As I’d spent time on the “OS” we replaced the “file transfer app” with the regular copy of Kermit (remember that? - maybe not if you spent your time in the mainframe scene). I think I did a bit of the “window manager” as well.

With a following breeze it all worked quite well. Memory management was a bit of a pain though as this was on an 8086 - no virtual memory.

I might still even have the code on a tape somewhere (though I don’t think I have any means of reading the tape even if I do).

** In fact when I discussed the more generalised approach with our supervisor he said “you’ll never do that in the time available”. Clearly I had to prove him wrong :slight_smile:

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Has anyone successfully done anything on this app please,if it is as good as their website,probably not ,but if they are saying that they want to simplify the process, maybe there is hope!

Happy days. I thought I’d a few listings around the place but I seem to have mislaid them. Probably best not to revisit in case I spot a glaring error :face_with_hand_over_mouth: